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ps: this chapter is not related to the story in any way and i just really wanted to post it LOL i've really been contemplating...

"Bro, you like her? Seriously?" The green haired male beside me laughed.

"You have so many beautiful ladies around you and you would choose her? Are you blind or are your glasses not working anymore?" He continued laughing.

"Kuramochi-" I began but was stopped.

"You guys! Guess what I found out! Miyuki has a crush on y/n! But guys, don't tell her though, it's a secret." Kuramochi then winked and proceeded to flip the camera at me.

"So, how do you feel? Are you going to confess? Hmm?" He snickered, still recording.

"No." I replied coldly and stood up and left his dorm.

This is so stupid. If only he did not trick me into confessing or something all this wouldn't have had happened.

Before I could leave, Kuramochi started, "Don't worry. No one will know. I only posted it on my close friends list." I sighed and left the room without thinking too much of it. Anyway, what's the worst that could happen right? Those crazy girl-fans aren't even in his close friends list. The worst would be that y/n finds out but I was going to confess to her sooner or later so there really isn't anything to worry about so long those fans don't find out.

I went back into my dorm and sunk into my bed, falling into deep sleep soon.

(message ringtones)
(message ringtones)
(message ringtones)
(call ringtones)
(call ringtones)

I lifted my heavy eyelids and hastily took my phone from beside me after being woken up by whoever was spamming me. I looked at the time -6.30am. And the busy notifications that kept coming in continuously. (lol rip his notifs)

As I read it, my eyes widened. How did they find out? I jumped out of bed, changed out into the school uniform and dashed all the way to Kuramochi's room. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. Didn't he say no one would ever find out? I even checked that the recording was posted in his close friends list and I could swear that no females are inside it.

"Oh, miyuki what brings you here so early-" His roommate opened his door.

I ignored that poor fellow and speed walked up to Kuramochi who was still sleeping and grabbed his collar to get him up.

"Didn't you say no one will find out? How come people have been messaging me?" My tone was fierce and everyone in that room who was sleeping got a shock that they woke up. Even Kuramochi himself who rarely ever gets scared.

"I-I really don't know! I swear Miyuki, I posted it only on the page with people you and I trust." His placed both his hands up and stammered.

I sighed, knowing he was telling the truth. I let go of my grip and sat on his bed. I turned on my phone again to delete some messages by the girls, and reply to those by my friends. I sighed once again and placed my palm against my head. I thought to myself "What kind of deep shit did I get myself into now?" I wanted to breakdown. Now not only does Kuramochi knew, the whole school also know of my crush. How embarrassing. Wait, then... does she know?

With the sudden realisation, my eyes widened and I immediately got up. Then, someone gripped my hand tightly.

"I don't think it will be a good time for you to find her now..." Kuramochi said guiltily. I looked around and his other roommates nodded.

So, I guess the only way to find out would be during school. However, the best thing I could think of to do right now would be to get my phone out and post a public story that I had no feelings whatsoever for her. In order to convince everyone, I had to be as harsh as possible. As I typed all her flaws out, even my heart ached, but I imagined that everything would be fine after all this.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2021 ⏰

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