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Flashback to Junior high

"Crystal...I.. will you be my girlfriend?" the guy standing in front of me asked, visibly flushed. He had dark brown hair and his golden eyes were looking everywhere. His two strands of hair made him look really cute though.

"Chris...yes! I'd love to" I replied, smiling. I had also liked him the day I saw him. He moved to New York for only a few months as his father, a famous comedian, had some business to take care of here. We didn't know when he was going to return but that did not matter to us.

He began telling me to call him Takigawa, his first name. With Chris, coming to school everyday was a joy. He met my family members and they liked him for being very respectful and a gentleman. Everyone around us was jealous of our relationship. The popular cutie that moved from Japan was the one I was dating. 

I also found out that he was a catcher, and a good one in fact. He also played baseball back in Japan. Therefore, he joined our school baseball team to play with us. We formed an amazing battery, as if we were able to read each other's mind. It was amazing! He was able to read the batter so well and direct my pitch to where he wanted it. I knew many different kinds of pitches so we also had the upper hand. We striked out almost every batter we played against! 

However, things were not always a bed of roses after a few months. I had many problems related to my studies. I realised that I have not been paying attention to my studies as much as I was before. I also had a few other major problems like injuring myself after a game we had, and some friendship issues. I felt really stressed and didn't know what to do. 

Not only did I not talk to Chris about my problems like we used to, I also kind of fell out of love with him. I felt that things were not meant to be but I didn't know how to put it to him. So, I just kept everything to myself and avoided Chris, not wanting to hurt his feelings. I felt very selfish though, he liked me but I did not treat him the way he deserves to be treated. I wanted him to find someone that deserved him better than I do. So, I broke up with him. 

"Hey, Takigawa, we need to talk."

"Yeah, what's up, Crystal?"

"I have been facing a lot of problems lately and I don't think I have enough time to commit to our relationship. And I also fell out of love with you. However, I would still love it if we remained as best friends, so this isn't a goodbye alright?"

The moment I finished what I said, I saw tears coming out of his beautiful golden eyes. I did not feel regret as I thought I had done what had hurt him the least -- breaking up with him, telling him my feelings before it gets worse. If you don't like how something is done, you have to say it first before it gets out of hand right? 

I hugged him and tears still flowed down my cheeks even though I was the one breaking up with him. It hurt my heart to see him like that.

The next day, he wasn't in school. The teachers told us that Chris had moved back to Japan with his father. 

"Did something happen between Crystal and Chris?" some students whispered.

"Was I the reason he moved back?" I felt so guilty. Why was I being so selfish. I felt really really guilty. I was always reminded of this incident everytime someone mentions about Japan.

After Chris left for Japan, I had no choice but to get over the fact that I would not be able to see him again. It was like a knife stabbing through my heart. I soon got better at my studies, acing every subject after practising and revising for so long. My friendship issues were also solved. Life was back to normal again, except the fact that my heart was still aching and feeling guilty. My friends knew about Chris and me so they decided to cheer me up, but it didn't work. It only took time for me to get over it.

And during the first year of high school, I got over it due to my busy schedule of baseball practice, homework, school, hanging out with friends, etc etc. I also had a new battery mate, Noah. I started to get over Chris after having a crush on Noah. This probably isn't the best way to do it or the most selfless way but yeah. Chris still crosses my mind every now and then but way less than during junior high.

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