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okay first things first THANKS FOR EVERYTHING OMG I HIT 1K READS AND IM FREAKING THRILLED !!! thanks guysss i didn't think i would be able to hit 1K reads honestly and this is my first ff but yess THANKSSSS it rlly motivates me to do btr thankyouuu
yes i deleted the previous chapter because i didn't rlly like it and i thought of something btr to write abttt so yeahh

"Crystal! Crystal! Crystal, get out of bed now. We're going to be late on the second day!" Caroline shouted at me.

"Five more minutes..." I hugged my pillow tighter.

"Crystal. Rosenstein. Get. Up. Now." Caroline said sternly before climbing up the bunker and pulling my legs.

Annoyed at her persistence of getting me up, I got up myself and head the showers.

Since Rei-chan gave us the sets of school uniforms and baseball uniforms, I changed into them, got my hair into a ponytail and packed whatever was necessary.

"Ready to go?" I asked Caroline who was using her phone while waiting for me.

She nodded her head. We went up to the door, word our socks and put on our shoes.

"This is the second day of practice. Are you excited?" Caroline turned to me and asked.

"I'm more tired and exhausted than excited. It's just like any other practice after all. Just earlier than usual." I said, obviously still a little cranky after getting forced to get ready. Not that I mind though. I obviously didn't want to puss the coach off by not being punctual. He seemed like the type of person that is extremely strict. It was even worse as I could not make out his eyes under his never-taking-off shades. I heard he even wore it to the showers from Sawamura.

When we go to the field, we saw many guys discussing something. 

"" was what I could hear from one group.

"Coach arranged...pitcher...Crystal..." I turned when I heard my name.

"Hello, Caroline and Crystal senpai!" Sawamura shouted from my back.

I got shocked but soon calmed down when I turned behind. 

Along with him was Chris, Furuya, Haruichi, Miyuki, Ishashiki, Ryusuke, Tetsuya, and Kuramochi.

"Hey there!" Caroline replied while waving.

"Hi." I just said.

"Oi, Crystal-san, what's with that tone of yours huh?" Ishashiki-senpai asked me annoyed.

"Sorry. I just woke up." I said.

"Use a better tone." He said.

"No." I said. I was still feeling cranky from waking up. It was probably the training yesterday that made me exhausted. How was everyone still doing fine? Are they robots? Some of them even practised more themselves and I'm already barely making it. How is Caroline even okay?

"Did training wake sleeping beauty up?" Kuramochi laughed as he cut my train of thoughts.

I gave him a death stare and he looked away.

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Kuramochi admitted, which made Miyuki laugh.

"You want to be next?" I asked Miyuki.

He shook his head intensely and said, "No thanks. Girls are scary when they're mad." I burst out laughing. Caroline also burst out laughing. 

"Miyuki is scared of girls! That's the joke of the century! Who knew the boy would be afraid of upsetting girls?" Caroline shouted while trying to breathe.

"Whatever. They are creatures difficult to understand too." He said and walked off with a tint of pink on his face. It was obvious that he was embarrassed to be laughed at by both of us but I did not feel guilty at all. I mean, it's fine. 

Soon, Coach Kataoka walked to the field. Afraid of angering him, everyone got into their rows and columns.

I stood between Caroline and Kuramochi. 

"Today, we will be having a friendly match with Kokudoukan. We will be having the second string, together with Caroline and Crystal, to play. This is to see how they play during a match when they are in first-string. There are two spots left it in the first-string. This match will also determine who gets in." The coach said. 

"Wow. He said that all in one breath. That's impressive!" I thought to myself.

When I peeked at Caroline, she was smiling ear to ear like a five-year-old who just got candy. 

"Yes, a surprise match! I'd be able to field!" she whispered to me.

"Yeah, and I'd be able to pitch! We're showing these guys that we aren't just girls who got lucky and came to Seidou!" I whispered back.

With that, we both giggled.

After the coach told us to do our warm ups and practise a little before the friendly, mMiyuki walked up to me. He gave me a small punch on my back and asked, "Are you afraid of messing up your pitch in front of us?" 

"Not as afraid as you are if you upset girls." I teased.

"Oi, that's mean, Crystal-san!" Miyuki pouted. 

Oh, this must be Seidou. It's huge!" We heard from someone. He was wearing a different school uniform so I assume he is from Kokudoukan. 

"That dude is so weird. We must be playing against him." Caroline told me.

Kuramochi and Haruichi heard her, and laughed.

Just then, Sawamura ran up to us and told us to gather at the dugout as instructed by the coach. 

"Alright. Break a leg girls! Good luck!" The group waved to us before we left.

For once, I felt that they were supporting us instead of looking down on us. Maybe it was because we were playing for the team and if we lost, they would also lose face. However, I was genuinely happy, and I could tell Caroline was also happy they encouraged us. 

When we reached the dugout, I sw Chris with his little notebook in hand, probably going to keep the score and stats, pitch count, basically the admin things. Coach Kataoka was talking to the assistant coach, probably about how to start the game.

He started, "Sawamura will pitch the first 3 innings. Crystal will continue from there and we will see how it goes. Batters, you know who you are. Caroline, you'll be playing as cleanup."

"Players, gather. Bow!" The unpires shouted

"There are two chicks on their team! They're quite hot too!" someone from the team whispered to another.

"I bet they can't play well. Let's aim at them." another one 'strategised'.

"Aim at me if you could. I'll bat the ball all the way out of the park. Jerks." Caroline said. 

I didn't think she stuttered even a little bit. Still, I barely managed to hold her back from throwing hands. 

"Calm down! This is like the match we played with the senpais yesterday. We just kicked their butts. Simple as that! They would be clueless puppies, not knowing what had just hit them right smack in the face." I cheered.

With that, we ran back to the dugout to get ready. 

Seidou was batting first. I observed around me. There were many spectators watching the game. It was surprising considering the fact that this was not even an official match.

The sound of the whistle blowing got my attention back on the field. The game was starting and everyone was anticipating. Most were nervous as it was their last chance to prove to the coach they were worthy of going up to first-string. 

aaannddd that's all for today, folks! i just want to THANK you guys againnnn for 1K reads like omg how amaaaaazing is thaattttt anyways thanks for reading this chapter! unTiL neXT tIME !! byeee

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