Chapter 11- Dreams

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Lucin's P.O.V

Now on Day one we got 16 points, which got us tied with Lamia Scale. Day two we got 14 points because of Yoan and her motion sickness. And because of Yango fighting that guy from Quatro Puppy. Yesterday when Yinny had to do that MPF, and then Stone had to fight Jura. So we got 4 points. And this afternoon we got 10 points because of y/n going in fourth places in that water .... ball .... battle. Then since we got defeated second, we won second place. So that added up to 44 points. We were tied up with Sabertooth.

I smiled faintly and looked around the bar called 'Sunny Honey', all of Dragon Gem was here but Flora, the Nature Dragon-slayer, her being 15 years old, the youngest, Astrum, not wanting to drink, and Y/n being 17.

I sighed softly and blew my long sky blue blonde hair that was down tonight, out of my amber eyes. Thinking about y/n wasn't good for me. I think I have feelings for her. How? I have no idea. I just liked her, and sooner or later, the feeling I have for her was gonna explode. I heard someone chuckle. I turned my head to see Evistix, my teammate and best friend, smirking slightly. I handed me a jug. "Thinking about y/n too?" I grunted, but nodded slightly as well. "... I can't ... stop thinking about her. ..." I murmured, taking a sip of the alcohol. Evistix nods. "Me either, I hope that -"


The doors slammed open so hard that the doors broke. I sighed guess who's gonna have ta pay for dat. I looked to see that Gajeel from Fairy Tail holding a sleeping Y/n. Everyone in the guild stood up. Me and Evistix walked in front of everyone til we were personally facing the Iron Dragon-slayer. I crossed my arms and looked at y/n then Gajeel, raising my eyebrow slightly. Although Evistix was full on yelled at him and was about to kill him, if it wasn't for y/n's sleeping figure in the way.

Gajeel rolled his eyes. "Oh quiet talking you sissy, we just got out of the under ground arena and y/n fell asleep in my arms." He smirked at us. "I took really good care of her." He said it so seductively that it set me on edge. I eyed him, no way did he touch y/n.

I walked to him and reached for y/n Gajeel handed her over to me. I nodded and walked out of the bar, going to the hotel. Y/n started clinging to my chest. She moved her head so it was placed on the nook my neck. Her f/s(favorite scent) warm breath made my neck have goosebumps. I tried to ignore it, but I couldn't. I sighed and chuckled as I stopped at a park and sat on a bench. I looked at y/n's dream-like state and faintly smiled.

I cradled her, rocking back and forth. She began to stir. She opened her eyed half way, so she was still half asleep. I smiled and laughed. "Mmh hmm? ..." She murmured. I stroked her h/l h/c, her unfocused eyes landed into my amber ones. I chuckled and leaned in, as our nose touched she started going to sleep again.

I smiled faintly. ".... What am I gonna do with you y/n?" I tucked in a hair strand of her hair and kisses her on the lips. And to my surprise, she, even though was now fully asleep, was somehow kissing back.

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