Chapter 3- Secrets

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I walked back to the stance. Just in time too. I was picked to fight. "Y/f/n y/l/n from Dragon Gem vs. And Toby Horhorta from Lamia Scale!"Said the announcer.

"Go get'em n/n!" Yango said, smiling his toothy grin. I nodded and hugged him. He kissed my cheek. As he did Stone hugged me from behind hugging me also, kissing my forehead. Yinny and Yoan hugged ne on either side. Jumped off the edge of the stance, landing perfectly on ground. I smiled and looked at the dog looking man. "It's nice to meet you." He smiled back at me." You too! Hey how about since everyone else is making a deal, you and I should make one. If I win you gotta tell me a secret, same goes if you win!" I thought about it for a moment."... okay! Sure!" I said happily.

"Begin!" The announcer yelled.

Toby lengthen his green claws. "Paralyzing powder!" Toby yelled, advancing to me. I smiled and clapped my hands together. "Elemental Dragon pick! Time Dragon Power! Fast forward!" I yelled. In a second I was facing Toby's back. Still advancing to where I once was. I then jumped and kicked him in the back, making him fall forward into the dirt.

He got up and went to me. " Elemental Dragon Roar!" I yelled. A blast of every dragon power roared threw my mouth. It hit Toby and he fell backwards. "And the winner is y/n!" Everyone screamed my name.

My guild roared out of all the others. "What's our motto y/n!?" I smiled. "Soar high and-" "ROAR!" Me and my guild said in unison. Each and everyone of us sounding like a real dragon. Which kinda scared people. I walked to Toby and held out a hand. He excepted it. Then he started crying. "My sock! I looked for it everywhere and I couldn't find it!" Everyone was turned off with that except for me.

I giggled. "Awwwwwww, your so cute!" I pointed to his chest. "It's right there Toby! It never left your side so don't cry." I said sweetly. He was overjoyed with reuniting with his sock. Wow, that must be a special sock. I smiled at him and waved. "It was fun Toby! I hope we can fight again!" I ran back to my stance, as I did I bumped into someone so hard that I fell.

Natsu's P.O.V

I bumped into someone. Oh! It was y/n. "Sorry. Here." I held out my hand. She excepted it and I lifted her up. Wow. Her palm was soft, and it fitted right into mine. "Hey, you were really good in the match, and that was sweet for what you did to Toby!" I said smiling.

I looked at y/n closely. She was really beautiful. She was powerful too. She returned the smile. But not her hand, what did that mean? Not that I'm complaining. "Thanks Natsu!"

"Wow you know my name? ... and your not looking at me in a jackass way. And hey, your guild has two Dragon-slayers too." Her e/c looked into mine. "Of course I know you. Your salamander Natsu Dragneel, Son of Fire Dragon Igneel. My master told a lot about you." She looked to the ground. "And .... As for Fairy Tail, ... Fairy Tail is very ... important to me." I looked at her more closely, it looked like she was gonna cry but no tears were coming out. She then looked up at me again and smiled. "As for Dragon-slayers, Dragon Gem is a Guild made of Dragon-slayers."

"Y/N-CHAN!" Yelled someone down the hall I looked back and saw her little exceed smiling and crying. "You did fantastic!" He clinged to her neck. Y/n smiled. "Thanks Infinie!" The small little boy exceed giggled. "Come on, we're gonna celebrate you and Stone's good work in the tournament!" She nodded, letting go of my hand, which for some reason made me a little sad. She walked away but then stopped and looked back at me. "Natsu, if Dragon Gem doesn't win, I would be more happier if it was Fairy Tail," she winked at me. "I'm counting on you."

Third person P.O.V

"Why'd you said that y/n?" Infinie said in a quiet voice when y/n was walking in the crowd. "Is it because of mama?" Y/n's usual smile was gone, and she was serious. Infinie was the only one to know a lot of things. He, unlike other exceeds, was there when his master/friend was born. He was the only one to see her sad, angry, serious, and  was the only one to meet her ture family, and her adoptive dragon father.

"Infinie, you know it's more then mama." Y/n whispered. "I'm tired of everyone saying that Fairy Tail is weak. They have more strength in power and feelings in a finger then any guild would have on their whole body."

"Of course y/n, but you know your being bias." Infinie said, hitting y/n's cheek playfully. Y/n came back to her usual smile. She giggled. "Am not."

Not knowing that someone was watching her. A young woman. With tears in her eyes. "Oh y-y/n, Infinie ... you've grown so much." Makarov came out, and so did the other guild members of Fairy Tail. "F-first master! Are you okay?!" Mavis turned around and smiled sadly. "Yes, just .... memories."

And even further away was a man with cold red eyes watching you and the fist master through a mirror. ".... my precious Mavis ... my little y/n, if only I could touch you both again ...." a man came in and bowed. "Master Zeref." The red eyed man sighed. "Come, we have work to do."


A / N :
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