Chapter 2- Cute part 1

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I looked at your teammates. They all completed each other. Well of course they complete each other, or else Yoan would have a fit. I thought as you were walking to your stance. Master chose us with care. Yoan Balaist. She is the Balance Dragon-slayer, she can never be complete without Yinny Piasce, the Peace Dragon-slayer, and Yango Warmay, the War Dragon-slayer, they are the triplets of the team. As for me I am a elemental Dragon-slayer, making me equal to Stone Aslot, the Earth Dragon-slayer. Master chose us carefully because one, Yoan is obsessed with perfection. You sighed. She's the girl version of Death The Kid from Soul Eater. SHE EVEN HAS HALF HER HAIR WHITE AND THE OTHER BLACK! And also second because we are be most adaptable in our guild.

I was so lost into thought that I bumped into someone. I looked up to see two guys. The one I bumped into had blond hair with a red exceed by his side, and the other guy had black hair with red eyes that looked like ... him. I shivered. At his side was a green exceed with a frog suit on.

I bowed quickly. "Sorry, I didn't look where I was going, it won't happen again." The blond hair guy chuckled. "It's alright. I'm Sting of Sabertooth! This is Rouge of Sabertooth also."

I smiled. "Hi, I'm Y/N of Dragon Gem! It's nice to-" Infinie cleared his throat. I chuckled. "And of course my trusty companion Infinie." I pointed to the exceed clinging to my neck.

"Hi! It's nice to meet-" He stopped short. Looking around. "Infinie? What is it?" I asked. He put his finger to his lips. His golden eyes looked all over. And a second later he jumped and grabbed something in the air. He giggled. "I GOT YOU THIS TIME ZIA!"

"NO WAY! YOU CHEATED!" Yelled the light green fur exceed. She was Zia. Stone's exceed. And Infinie's crush. I tried not to laugh at the scene they were making. Zia giggled. Then turned to me. "Y/N the others want you to come to our stance."

"Alright. Tell them I'll be there in a sec." She nodded and went Infinie looked after her. Waving his hand. I smirked. "Cat got your tongue Infinie?"

He got made at that and tried to come to me. I swiftly got out of the way and Infinie ended up bumping into Rouge. I laughed. "Catch me if you can!" I ran to the stance leaving Infinie in the dust.

Rouge's P.O.V

I watched Y/N run away from her exceed. I never saw a bond between exceed and human before. They are really inscyn like they could hear each others thoughts. And the way her beautiful e/c looked at him. Wow. I really wish she'd look at me like that. It's a real shame that she is my rival. Me, Sting, Lector, and Frosch walked to our stance.

The first activity was something called "Hidden". We chose Rufus. I couldn't help but look at where Y/N was. She was jumping up and down because she was playing with the other exceeds. And because of that her chest was ... bouncing. I blushed.

Sting whistled. "Wow, Y/N does have a body." I saw that his eyes were lower. I looked to see that Y/N's skirt was flying in the wind, and because of her jumping I could almost see her panties which made me blush more and hold my nose. My pants were .... tight.

".... from Sabertooth we have Rufus .... just look at that crowd roar, and from Dragon Gem Stone Aslot!" Said the announcer.

I looked to Y/N's stance again to see a tan 18 year old guy that had peach color pants and metal on his ankles. He had no shirt, which made me see his yellow guild mark of a Dragon in a Gem on his bicep. I could also see that he's ... blind. I looked at Y/N. She had a face a confident look. I guess he shouldn't underestimate him. But of course Sabertooth is gonna win.

~ Time skip by Rouge's tight pants~

Eve's P.O.V

Dragon Gem was in second place. That blind guy was a Dragon-slayer, the Earth Dragon-slayer to be exact. I thought he would be easy because he was blind. But it was like he could see without seeing! He almost got that Rufus guy too. I was inside of the infirmary. I had little injures. But the others just wanted to make sure. Hibiki and Ren was with me.

"Hello." I looked up to see the girl that was beautiful from that independent Guild. We walked up to her and posed. "Hello beautiful." Hibiki said taking her hand. "What are you doing here? I mean, I don't mind you here though..." Ren said patting her head and looking away. I came to her side. "Do you wish to have a little brother miss?" I said.

She chuckled bashfully. She was so cute. She took her hand from Hibiki and put by her lips, her other hand grabbing her leather black skirt. She looked down. "I-I'm sorry for intruding... I just .... you took a beating from Rufus and ...." She looked up at me her head tilted, making her h/c slide, covering her mouth and pink cheeks. "I just wanted to make sure you were alright Eve. Your name is Eve right?"

I was in a trance of love. And so was Hibiki and Ren. She was doing our flirting thing to us. Is this how girls feel when we do it to them? My cheeks were red and my heart was pounding. She cared that I was hurt. Is she doing this on purpose? No. The innocence in her eyes says enough. She doesn't know what she's doing. Or what it's doing for us.

I gulped. "I- yes. It is. Thank you for worrying." Hibiki recovered and went to her side again. "You're very cute. Thank you for worrying about Eve." Ren went to her side again, still blushing, and put his hand on her head. "Why .... do you only worry about Eve .... don't you know that .... I'm hurt too?" He said the last one quietly.

She smiled. "Stone says your pretty strong. He wanted me to check on you, and he said he wanted to apologize for hitting you in battle. Stone doesn't really like to battle. Only when it's important he fights. So that's why he went easy on everyone."

We were shocked. That was going easy!? He literally did an earthquake on the people who participated! "Oh! I almost forgot!" She bowed to us. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you!" We smiled. "What, a beautiful name. It suits you, I mean, you are a beautiful person." Hibiki said winking.

She smiled and walked to the front of the door. "If your wondering if Stone sees, then he sees. But he doesn't see like us. He can see from the vibrations from the ground. Since he was born blind the Earth Dragon, Wellon, taught him how to see differently from people." She looked back at us. "I hope we meet later during the games. Bye!" She smiled and waved then went.

"Wow." We all said in unison.

I hope you liked this one! I'm sorry if it sucked! I'll post the others soon so don't worry! Please vote and comment! Bye bye!

And happy almost Merry Christmas! By the way, ignore the part one after this. I'm having technical difficulties and I can't seem to delete it so please bear with me! That you for understanding!

Natsu: hey, when am i gonna get my chance with reader-chan
A/N: when I feel like it
Natsu: can you do it before the stripper though!?
Gray: What did you say you stupid salamander?!
Natsu: you wanna do something about it-
Gray and Natsu: sorry writer-chan ....
Gray: man she's even scarier then Erza
Natsu: *nods*
Erza: what was that? *eyes shining*
Gray and Natsu: E-ERZA!!!?
Erza: Writer-chan?
A/N: *looks at the boys* do whatever you want Er-chan
Gray and Natsu: *being dragged away* NO! PLEASE! ER-CHAN! WRITER-CHAN! HAVE MERCY!

Fairy Tail x Reader SteamyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora