Ch 12 It's time

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Ch 12

Dedicated to CrazyGirlP for also encouraging me to continue to write.

Callie POV

Aiden pulled me into the kitchen.

" Are you okay?" he asked standing while I took a seat.

"Yeah im fine." I said looking at my nails

"Callie look at me." he said sternly

I looked in his eyes. Why was his eyes always so intense? Geesh!

" You know how i feel when you lie." he says

I rolled my eyes but responded

" Aiden....its not that big of deal.We didnt have to leave... I was just a little scared and I could have handled it."

" You were more than a little scared which leads me to the question of why you said you wanted to watch the movie if you know you were going to be scared".

"Well all three of you like scary movies so i thought I could just deal with one night of a scary movie to make you guys happy... " I huffed and put my head on the table face down.

All of a sudden I felt him lifting my chin up and I was met with his intense blue crystals eyes staring back at me and he was crouched so he was leveled with my height.

He pecked me on the lips

"Callie... I rather put your needs before mine. I didn't care what we watched as long as I was with you. so dont ever settle to make me happy because I am only happy if you are happy".

I smiled. He always says the sweetest things.

" Aiden, why do you act this way with me and say things like this? We only been dating for a short time but you act like we have been together for years."

He smiled...well i guess he is not going to answer that question so i continued.

" Aiden could you just please answer my question and explain why you act like you are so in love with me even though i know better." I say

He frowned when i said that and looked like he was going to respond but stopped.

He did it again but this time just decided to talk.

" Callie I have something to confess. Well Dylan and I both have something to confess to Allison and you"

"okay..what ?" I ask

I was confused ... what could he possibly confess? Plus couldn't his confession wait till after our conversation. Its not that i am not happy that he treats me this way... i actually love it and i know im falling for him really quick , actually too quick. This all just seem too good to be true so i just really wanted...wait scratch that i needed to know why he treated me this way.

" Dylan and Allison come" he shouted so they can hear. I guess i will just have to wait.

They both walked into the kitchen

"What happened?" Dylan asked

" Its time to tell them." he tells Dylan

Dylan nods and says "Allison I think you should sit down for this "

She looked at me confused but I shrugged because I had no idea what they had to say either.

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