Ch 23 Getting Answers Part 1

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Aiden POV

"Alpha Aiden, five fingerprints were found on the file, and we could match all on our database. The 5 are Former Alpha George Carter, Former Beta David Miller, Current Alpha Aiden Carter, Current Beta Dylan Miller, and Chris Moretti."

Afterward, we left the building and went into the car to talk

"Chris Moretti? I don't know that member, do any of you guys recognize his name?" I asked as soon as we all got in the car.

Dylan shook his head, no, but my dad was looking like he was trying to remember something

"For some reason, that name sounds familiar, David, doesn't that name seem familiar to you?" my dad asked

You can tell Dylan's dad was thinking really hard and then he looked like a lightbulb just went off in his head.

"Oh my God, you are right! George, You remember he was the Moretti's kid"

"Oh yeah, Susan and John Moretti's son. Now I remember. He was the troublemaker." My dad said in a shocked voice.

"Okay great, let's go talk to Chris Moretti then. Which mansion does he belong to?" Dylan asks.

"A werewolf hunter killed him 142 years ago. He was only 111 years old when he died." My dad said with a frown.

Werewolves have a delayed aging process so even though Chris was alive for over a century; In the human world, Chris would have only been 25 years old when he died.

"Why am I not even surprised? It would have been too easy if he was alive! Let's talk to his parents then. Maybe he told them something that can be helpful to us." Dylan suggested.

"That story is even worse. Susan and John were never the same after his death.  They even moved out of one of our mansions that they were residing into a tiny 2-bedroom apartment far from the mansion but still in Immortalis. They moved because of all the memories of him growing up there. They thought one day they would be able to accept his death, so they moved all of his stuff from his old room in the mansion to one of the rooms in the apartment. They had the movers set up his room exactly how it was in the mansion. The plan was once they finished grieving, they would go inside his room and enjoy the memories of their son rather than it be a constant reminder that he is never coming back to them. Unfortunately, that day never came. A couple of months after his death, Susan had a miscarriage. She didn't even know she was pregnant but the stress and sadness over her only son's death and how he never had a chance to find his mate, be in love, and have children of his own affected her unborn child. The miscarriage made things even worse as you can imagine. An exact year later to the day of his death, Susan and John decided they didn't want to live a day longer without having Chris, so they took the werewolf poison" Former Beta David explained.

The werewolf poison is one of the few ways that a werewolf can die. It is considered a peaceful death since it works fast and is painless. It contains a very high concentration of silver so 1 drop of it kills a werewolf within minutes. Most werewolves wait till they reach a couple thousands years old to take the poison since they were able to live their lives to the fullest and no longer have the desire to stay immortal. But I understand why the Moretti's couldn't wait till their thousands to end their lives.

"So, in other words, we are starting back at square 1," Dylan said in an annoyed voice

"Actually maybe not, you guys said the Moretti's had all of Chris's belongings from his old room moved to the apartment and they never had the courage to even go inside the room. That means that anything important that he kept in his room should still be here after all these years. If the apartment is still there, let's rifle through his room."

"It still exists, and we never had to empty their place since most families decide to live in one of the mansions.  I remember the address so I can drive" My dad offers.

When we got there, the building looked kind of old, and it needed some fix-up but inside looked like any normal apartment. We checked to see which one was Chris's room and started to rifle through his stuff. When I looked in his desk drawer, I found an envelope that said, "For Alpha Henry Carter" and took out the letter.

"Guys I have a letter. It was written to my grandfather" I say. Causing them to all stop their search and turn to me.

"It's a pretty long letter, so we probably should all take a seat,"  I suggest.

After we all sat down, I read the letter.

"The letter says:

Dear Alpha Henry Carter,

I am writing this on August 15, 1881. If you are reading this, this means that I am dead, and I never got the chance to tell you my suspicions that 1 of the members from the "Black Star Pack" Jacob Smith is actually alive.

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