Ch 8 Breakfest

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CH 8

I am in the kitchen making breakfest and Allison walks in all happy.

" Allison, how come you are so bubbly today, did you and him do something last night" I ask

" No, we didn't have sex. I am not ready for that but we did kiss and he asked me to be his girlfriend. I said yes. I am happy because although we were laying in the same bed together he didn't try to convince or force me to do something with him. What about you"

" No. Even though I really want to do different things with Aiden I decided at the end that I wasn't going to loose my virginity to him well atleast not the first night we meet. I don't want to seem like a whore although I feel like one because of all of the thoughts I am having about him are not pure."

" Are you sure you won't loose your v-card with him soon"

" I may loose my v-card to him because somehow he is breaking me out of my shell and making me feel things that I never felt with someone before but I want to loose it when we are serious. I was so close last night on the couch which scared me. I always wanted to wait till marriage but he is just making it so hard to wait."

" Are you guys dating"

" Yes"

" See I told you that you hot and you thought that because Aiden is sexy he wouldn't want to be with you. Who is always right"

" You are always right" I say whining.

"Stop whining" she laughed

" I need to ask you a question and don't look at me like I am weird" I say

" okay" she said

" Do you feel like a spark like an actual spark or tingles when you guys touch"

" Oh my gosh. I do. I thought I was just imagining it."

" Well I guess we weren't. That is so weird but it feels awesome."

" It does. We have to figure out what is the meaning of all of this.This is just too weird but in a good way."

" Guys sorry, we can't stay but we will be back later.Text us if you need anything. Our phone numbers are on the living room table" Dylan called out

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