Chapter 16: Testing The Water

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Namjoon's pov

"I hate you." I hissed at Jin who was just laughing at my pain.

"You know you love me and you turned me so you should at least learn how to surf." I took a deep breath and tried standing up as I did on the beach but instantly fell over, the board going flying somewhere as I hit the water again

Jin laughs echoed even underwater, and as I stood up, it was much louder. I crossed my arms pouting when he leans over the board looking like he was dying.

I rolled my eyes and allowed him to settle down, which took a while.

"You suck." Jin picks up laughing again making me snatch the board away from his hands and throw it by our stuff, before taking ahold of his hands.

"I played your little games so now you have to shift." Jin froze and looked at the open ocean to his left. "I will hold your hand the whole time," I whispered and started walking more into the waves, dragging him along and when it was near my neck he jumped onto my back. "Just close your eyes, and breath normally," I said and went completely under the water.

Jin's grip tightened tremendously so I pulled him in front of me, poked his air-filled cheeks with a fond smile, then kissed him because when he opened his eyes, he freaked out.

"Look... you can talk and breathe underwater, your voice gets a little deep but still," I smiled, watching him slowly trust me.

"Whoa." He said and covered his mouth with wide eyes.

"You're fine." I chuckled and slowly moved his hands away from his mouth. "I'm going to change and then you try, okay?" He nodded. I gradually let Jin go and changed into my real form so the cop could take up everything. "Are you good?" I asked doing a small twirl for him.

"Yeah you got to remember I saw you like this for months, let me try." I swam back a little and covered my eyes cause maybe that would help?

I stayed like that until I heard him screaming out of joy.

"I DID IT!" I moved my hand away and my jaw dropped, he looked drop-dead gorgeous.

His tail matched his skin tone perfectly, and the claws and teeth were the same as mine but I mostly stared at his abs. "Hey stop it." I felt a slap on the top of my head making me blink and chuckled nervously.

"Sorry, but at least you can shift! It's going to be a little harder changing into this because it's not your natural form but it'll be easier going back into your legs." Jin nodded and I clapped my hands together. "We should get started now, so let's try swimming over there." I pointed and showed the cop how you swim for the first time with a huge and heavy 6-foot tail behind you.

And as time went by, Jin started to get my teachings so I lead us out to sea little by little.

"Wow." I turn around and watched the cop take everything in.

"Yeah." I smile and took a hold of his hand to slightly tugged on it. "We are going to do one more thing, this is going to be a lot harder to get the hang of so be patient." Jin nods and since we were in the middle of the ocean, ocean animals were around...

I think you know where this is going.

Jin was quick in spotting the shark that I saw earlier and his super-speed kicked in meaning he bolted.

I groaned, throwing my head back while I started chasing after him. It wasn't that hard because when he spotted my hair, the cop attacked me, sending us both flying back in circles as he just hugs me.

I heard a small whimper leaving his lips while I make ourselves steady. His tail went around my waist, and I couldn't help but kiss his cheek, though my eyes stayed on the three bull sharks lurking around us, so I shifted Jin around to make him look.

Underwater Voices // NamJinWhere stories live. Discover now