Chapter 12: The Not So Nice Love Shot

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Namjoon's pov

"His trail ends here." I look up at the building and nod.

"Okay, Kook, you're going to lead the way through the air vents until we are at Jin's room. We get him out quietly and back to his house, if he is injured then we will heal him, it's simple." I said and I helped everyone up and into the vent Hoseok found.

As we crawled, my knees started to hurt and I knew I wasn't the only one, but soon we came up to a vent where Jin's voice was heard.

We all squished together and looked through the small vent thing and watch the cop talk to some guy.

"-once again I am in here to talk about your behavior. You put three of my guys in the hospital this morning and managed to almost escape once, why should I be nice to you? I only want you to work for me and tell me why you went to the ocean with that kid."

"Well first off it's Officer SeokJin to you bastard, secondly if I want to hit someone I fucking will, thirdly what boy? I just lead you away from the station. You're the idiot who followed." I smiled and looked at my amused mother.

"He's cool." She whispered, bumping my shoulder with a grin on her face.

"Jin. Jin. Jin. We saw you with a guy, he lived with you for a week." Jin shrugged.

"Great you stalked me, I feel honored! Also, I could have been dating, I've been single for a while now you know. Or you could've seen a reflection, I am very good-looking. If you haven't noticed." He said and then the guy grabbed the cop's jaw.

"Okay listen here, I have played nice-" Jin did something so unexpected I choked. This man licked the dude's face. "You're- You're fucking serious?"

"He licked him." Taehyung put a hand over his mouth, hiding in Jungkook's neck, to muffle his laugh.

It was all fun in games until the cop was punched and spit out blood.

"You act all tough but you won't be when it's sunset." My eyes widened.

"I bet, they are going to put him over sharks," I whispered and looked at the gang.

"Jin's going to shit himself when he sees a fin."

"Probably, but then we can get him without any casualties, Hoseok. When they put him over, I can jump, grab him before he falls while you guys can keep the sharks away."

"Sounds like a great plan but look, Joonie, he can't even keep his head up, who knows when was the last time he ate or went to the bathroom or slept." My mother points out making us squint our eyes to look closer.

"There is no one in there, should I like pop my head in?" They nodded cheekily and I opened the vent. Catching his attention slightly. "Jin." He slowly turns to me with wide eyes.

"Guppie? What the fuck are you doing here, get out." He snapped but I smiled, my hair pointing to the ground probably.

"You seemed pretty tied up there." I teased and Jin scoffed but I could see a small smile.

"Yes, but please leave. They want you, or well Jungkook so leave. I will be fine." I was pulled up and I saw my mother's head disappear.

"Hi darling, I am Namjoon's mother."

"Nice to meet you, ma'am."

"Ah so polite, and you too." I rolled my eyes when Taehyung starts laughing again in Jungkook's neck. "Just don't say anything and will get you out, sweetheart." She came up and smiled. "He's sweet." I groaned and went down.

"See you soon." I sent him a wink before bringing my head up but then went down again. "Also we are staying at your house and driving your car." Jin chuckled lowering his head and as I came up, the door opened. "Okay let's go," leading the way out, it was thankfully a success in having no one see us.

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