Chapter 5: HE'S ALIVE

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Namjoon's pov

My eyes snap open when I realized that the stuff hitting the window next to me wasn't an imagination but indeed water. Sitting up confused, I walked out of my room and headed to the top deck.

I put my arm on my head to cast a shadow over my eyes to see that we were moving. Turning around, I scoffed seeing Yoongi steering the ship.

Slightly frowned, I walked up the stairs to go to his side

"I talk to the others last night... we all agreed to leave in the morning." He explained and I hummed, looking around us to see nothing but water.

"It's fine just shocked. How much longer until we get home?"

"Tonight I am thinking." He responds, only looking straight ahead.

"Okay I um- I'm going to push the boat so we can go faster, and maybe catch some breakfast who knows!" Yoongi smiles, nodding.

"We're not that far away from shore so if you want to go see that cop one last time, you should go now." I shake my head, scrunching my nose up.

"Knowing how much we travel and stuff, I think we will meet again, sadly," I mumble and went back to my room to change into a white towel. When I was back up on the deck, I thought of Yoongis suggestion once more time before I would drop the towel.

"WE'RE REALLY NOT THAT FAR." I heard Yoongi scream and I instantly dove backwards into the water, flipping the elder off.

Feeling so much better with my legs turned into my tail. I looked at the ship in front of me and then where the shore would be. I was conflicted but decided against going back.

I turned to the vessel and swam forward, putting both hands against the wood, and grunted as I pushed, using my tail to go slightly quicker.


With finally getting to the three small islands I stopped pushing and watched Yoongi dock the ship on the Atlantean built docks before my crew jumped into the water, all turning like me.

"You ready to be home?" Hoseok asks nudging my shoulder.

"Yes, I am." I smiled and we all started swimming down. Past the animals, and the thick fog placed there to protect the blinding lights of our special home.

The same smile grew bigger as we swam over the houses and caves, some people waving at us as we made our way to the castle.

I nodded to the front guards who allowed us in and we entered our home. My parents were standing there, looking all royally and everything.

Jimin, of course, goes to our mom, Yoongi slowly following, seeing how he is still somewhat new to being married to my brother, it was funny how he approaches the two but he was making an effort and that's what counted.

I turned to my dad and smiled, he did the same and waved me in for a hug which I gladly accepted.

Taehyung, Jungkook, and Hoseok, after I said they could go and my mom hugging Hoseok, all left, each going their own different ways in the castle.

I then moved back from my dad, when he started talking. "How was up there?" He asked squinting his eyes at me.

"It was fine." I lied and Jimin scoffed loudly.

"Was it really?" My dad asked and I looked up to the ceiling trying to avoid the question.

"Someone caught our Joonie's eyes." Jimin laughed and my mom turned to me.

"Really?" She asked excitedly.

"No, of course not. Jimins just being stupid. Yoongi take my stupid brother away." I snapped.

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