Chapter 35: The Devil's Pet Has Arrived

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Jin's pov

Okay so overall the food Namjoon made wasn't that horrible, though I told him he did great. I like seeing the merman smile so it was worth putting whatever this was into my mouth.

"So what has you so tired, baby?" Namjoon mumbles, moving his arm to the side so I could shuffle in, putting my head on his chest as we lay in bed, surrounded by pillows.

"I got put on this new assignment and had to catch up on some things that I missed while I was gone," I stated, playing with the helm of Namjoon's- well my shirt he was wearing.

"What's the assignment?"

"Remember Jay?" He hums. "Well, another drug dealer is going crazy trying to pick up the pieces and I got to take him down since I was on Jay's case last time." Namjoon nods and puts his hand through my hair which traveled down to the side of my face and chin.

'God, could I ever get used to this?' I wondered, lifting my head slightly to look into his green eyes.

"I don't want you to go stressing yourself out and there will be no staying out late! I will hunt you down and drag your ass back here myself." I rose a brow and let out a small scoff.

"That's nice that you're going to miss me guppie, but I promise I won't stay at work too late. Especially now that I have someone to come back to." Namjoon smiled and I shuffled around to poke his dimple.

"What do you want to do now?" Shrugging, I lazily moved my head to look at the alarm clock on the nightstand.

"We could do a lot of things, but it's late and I have to get up in the morning, so let's just cuddle!" I grinned, squishing my face into his chest, sighing in content yet Namjoon suddenly moved me away and got off of the bed. I sat up frowning with my eyes trailing after him. The merman soon turned off the lights and laid down next to me.

"Jin... you know maybe I can be a teacher." I heard and even though it was dark I fell back down on his chest and looked up at him. "Of like the ocean or possibly a marine biologist. Nobody can know as much of the ocean as I do, right?" I hummed and closed my eyes.

"Sounds cool, tomorrow you can borrow my computer or you can come to the station with me and-".

"Oh, I can help you! That would be fun, but I don't want to go if you don't want me to be with you 24/7."

"Guppie, I like being with you, or else I wouldn't be marrying. We can talk more tomorrow, for now, go to sleep." I felt Namjoon let out a small chuckle before pulling me closer to him with his heat engulfing me.


Let's get this straight I hate mornings.

I woke up to my alarm clock and considered shooting it but sadly Namjoon sat up leaving me in a comforter mess.

"Come on Jinnie, time to get up," I whine loudly when I felt myself getting lifted.

"I hate you." Namjoon just chuckled and pecked my lips, setting me down on the cold floor.

"No, you don't, babe. Want me to help you get dressed?"

"Absolutely.. not." Namjoon huffed and crossed his arms. I rolled my eyes and pushed past him to go put on my uniform, brush my teeth, force my hair to how I wanted it to be, and then went downstairs to find the merman just swinging his legs as he sat on a chair.

I shake my head fondly and turned on my coffee machine before putting a pan on the stove, turning that on as well.

"What are you going to make?"

Underwater Voices // NamJinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang