Chapter 4: A Night Out In The Town

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Jin's pov

Usually, the night shifts are boring, though at the same time exciting.

Tonight was one of the exciting ones.

You see, after arriving at the station, I, being the best here (no shame to the others) got a call to check out this suspicious-looking house that could be a drug den from an older woman.

So after grabbing Hongseok because he is a big guy and the only one who had his canine ready, I dragged his butt to his car.

And as soon as we got settled, with a big smirk, I pressed my foot straight down against the peddle, with the feeling of Hongseok gripping my arm terrified. At least his canine, Lila, in the back loved everything that was happening. Her big head was outside the window, and her tongue was hanging from the side of her furry face.

"I hate your driving." I heard and sped up just for fun until we were on the street that we needed to scope out, then I slowed down.

"Okay, I will walk by, you go around the house and see if Lila picks anything up. If someone comes out, try to hide." I smiled as I got out of the car with a little skip in my step, and we both went around to the trunk and put on our bulletproof vests before splitting up.

I headed over to the other side of the street and hit my walkie-talkie. "Hey, anything?" I asked starting to walk down my runway.

"No, but I hear lots of people, should we call back up?" I shrugged and glanced over my shoulder at the house when I passed it.

"I'm going to go in more, you stay put," I whispered ducking while running to hide under the window seal just to sneakily look in but instantly fell to my butt.

"The tip was right. Jay Park is here."

"We need backup, Jin. I will call the others, you get out of there." I nodded and took one more look. "Jin don't do it, I know what you want to do."

"He's right there Seok," I said and suddenly a growl erupted next to my head. My eyes widened and I slowly turned to the dog's sharp teeth in front of my face.

"Jin you need to move, now!" I looked into the dog's black eyes and then turn my head back to the car.

"I'm running." The dog started barking, making me take off, the German shepherd right behind.

"IT'S THE COPS!" A gunshot went off and I went still as Lila whimpered on the ground along with Hongseok standing there in pure shock.

The shepherd running behind me was ready to bite and rip my arm off, except I turned around in time to kick it to the ground.

Taking my gun out, I closed my eyes to shoot the poor animal. As much as that hurt my soul I couldn't dwell on that right now as I noticed multiple guys coming out of the house with guns.

Groaning, I rush to run for cover, opening the police car door and hiding behind it.

"Call back up." I snapped and Hongseok opened his door to grab the radio and call it in. I stood up and shot multiple times, nothing hitting the men above the shoulder, mostly aiming for their knees and legs.

I looked at my gun when it clocked back and I threw the empty piece of shit on my seat, before standing up to walk past the groaning men and to the front door.

Cracking my neck, I swung it open to be met with the first guy holding a metal baseball bat.

I rolled my eyes, trying to calm my anxiety before running forward, sliding on my knees to dodge the swing, while I took the guy down with a punch to his crotch. Standing up as the man falls, I put him in a chokehold until he passed out.

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