Chapter 11: Did You Ever Love Me?

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Namjoon's pov

I growled at Yoongi as I walked up to him, grabbed him by his neck, and shoved the older into the wall, above my head. "What. Did. You. Do?" I hissed, squeezing my hand, and slightly tilting my head to the side.

"I- don't.. mea- it." I pulled Yoongi back, just to slam him against the wall harder, this time Hoseok running out to find my brother.

"What.. did.. you do?"

"No child.... with him." I clicked my tongue and threw him onto the ground. "Let me explain, please." Yoongi chokes out, glancing up at me with watery eyes.

"How could you?" Taehyung comes forward, confused, and with furrowed eyebrows.

"I can't have a child, for fuck sakes! Your dad puts us under a needle to make us not have kids. We- I.. I didn't know I was going to marry the prince and so I had to make a promise to the king that I would never tell Jimin... Ask Hoseok, he's like me too." Yoongi shakily got up and stares at my brother's ring he had in his hand.

"Mom, did you know dad did this?" We turn to her while she shook her head repeatedly with wide eyes.

"I'm going back home and quitting. Jimin doesn't want me, and I can't be around you Joon if he is around." Yoongi sighed and before I could grab him he left after handing something to my mom who was frozen solid.

Taking a deep breath, I sat down, too much was happening too fast so I simply waited for my brother to come back with Hoseok behind him. Then without missing a beat, we made Jimin sit down and listen to what we had to tell him.

"Yoongi can't have kids Jimin." I glared at Jungkook who quickly hid behind Taehyung.

"Listen, dad did something to his sperm, so he can't produce. He does that to all the guards so they probably don't get any of the maids or past princesses pregnant by accident. Do you understand the words coming out of my mouth?" I asked, and we all took a big step back to let Jimin process everything.

"H-He's going back home to quit, and.. leave." Taehyung put a hand over his mouth when Jimin stood up abruptly.

"A-And m-my ring?" My mom came forward and handed her son both rings and a necklace. "He-".

"He returned everything, I'm sorry, but you're no longer married." Jimin opened his mouth but nothing came out. I watched as he closed his eyes, giving us a slight nod before walking to Jin's room, slamming the door shut making me flinch.

"What should we do about this?" Taehyung questions, biting his nail as he paced back and forth.

"Okay um, let me think." I rubbed my temples until something came to mind. "Tae, you're his best friend so you should stay here for mental support. Jungkook and the rest of us are going to find Jin, is that good?" I asked, however, Jimin came walking out with tear stains down his cheeks.

That hurt my soul more than I would care to admit.


"I'm going to get my husband back." He says interrupting me with his hand up. "Namjoon, I love you and I hope you get Jin back safely. Mom, please don't worry about me, I-I will be fine. Bye guys, oh, and Hoseok? Stay here with them, please, they need you more than I do." He smiled and walks out making me sigh and rub my temples.

I can feel a migraine coming. "Okay," I start, "we need to find Jin before it's too late. Tae, you'll come with us then. Kook, do you need a shirt to help you or what?" Jungkook shakes his head.

"Jin smells like flowers and awesomeness, I can find him easily... I think!" He grins and begins walking out the front door. When everyone was following the youngest, I felt my mom move my arm so it was around her neck.

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