Chapter 13: Take The Chance

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(Double update so read the one before this 👌🏻)

Namjoon's pov

When Jin's hand fell, I looked at my mother with watery eyes.

"Joonie, this is your choice, do you just like him or do you love him? You've only known him for a couple of months so think wisely. Whatever you do we will follow and I will talk to your father." She said with a small smile and I looked down, caressing the cop's cold cheek with the back of my hand.

"He's everything I ever wanted in a partner but he's going to be so mad," I whispered, taking my hand away.

"Take the chance," Taehyung whispers, helping Jungkook up from his knees. I looked at Hoseok who was nodding.

"I think he's good for you." He announced and with that, I lifted the cop before going back into the water. Placing Jin's body under, I took a deep breath while leaning down, shaking placing my lips against his.

A tingling sensation rushed over me before I came back up.

I watched the water go into Jin's lungs and then I let him go, taking a step back to watch him turn.

A bright blue light surrounded the cop as his legs forming together into a blue and yellow tail, his hands, neck, and probably his teeth all changing too.

I look back at the gang worriedly when I heard a gasp.

Hesitantly, I turned back to Jin and crouched down to hold him up slightly, not caring if I got my new clothes wet.

I looked to the horizon, not being able to look the cop in the eyes since I knew what he was going to say.

"Guppie... What did you do?" He asked with venom, gripping my hair roughly and turning my head up making me gulp.

"I-I'm sorry, I couldn't watch yo-" I dropped Jin after he punched me in the face. I rubbed my cheek pouting and crossed my arms. "Jin lis-".

"This has to be a joke right? Haha, you got me now get me out of this thing." I pressed my lips together as he uses his arms to tread the water. "Namjoon tell me this is a joke." I turn to my family who immediately looked away. "Y-You.. selfish SON OF A BITCH. I HAD A LIFE, FRIENDS, A JOB," Jin screamed and I looked down, twirling my thumbs in front of my hips. "I-I wish I never saved you, my god. I wish I passed that job up! Namjooon you ruined my life all because YOU HAD A FUCKING CRUSH ON ME?"

His words cut me deep that I unexpectedly started to cry, I knew this was going to happen but it was too much.

"I LOVE YOU," I shouted shutting him up. "I couldn't just watch you die when I could help you. I wanted to be by your side and me yours. I'm sorry okay?" I chuckled, "I'm sorry I fell in love with you and wanted you to live. I'm sorry that I-I ruined your life. I'm sorry that my feelings for you ruined your life." I huffed and wiped my eyes. "I thought m-maybe we could go on what I think you humans call a date, maybe even get married and I would be able to share my life with you. My whole f-family likes you-ish so I'm sorry for being selfish. Jungkook can help you get situated and learn how to shift. I-I-I will s-stay away." I sobbed and headed back to dry land, blocking my mother who tried to hug me while I went to walk along the shore so I could be alone.

Jin's pov

I look down and bit my lip. 'He loves me? He has to be joking, we like just met.' I looked up, feeling the water around me move in the opposite direction, and saw Jungkook standing over me.

"I thought you were different, clearly I was wrong." He spoke coldly and I sighed about to open my mouth but he cut me off. "You're a bad human, Joonie is the Crowned Prince of Atlantis and he doesn't have to get married. So for him to say he wants to possibly be with you is a huge thing. He's not the selfish one, you are. Namjoon saved your life, and that's how you treated my Prince? We all came to save you, Jin, we didn't have to but Namjoon and I convinced the king to let us come cause he likes you. Shame on you." I exhaled loudly and nodded in guilt.

"Yeah." Jungkook hummed.

"Glad you feel bad too, now let's get this over with since I don't feel good now. You just need to think of what you like as a human. You can't stay human for long since you're not a born merman so after two days you need to come back to the beach for about an hour and rehydrate. I have a feeling you're pretty hungry so just eat when you get home. When you want to turn into a siren, think about what your tail looks like. Try." I nodded but didn't do anything.

"I want to talk to Namjoon so how do I... swim?" Jungkook scoffs.

"Like a dolphin, up and down but if you do anything to make him more upset, I will feed you to a shark myself." I hummed and moved my tail up and down like he said to test it out.

"That threat has already been used," he hissed, "but I accept the deal." Still, on my back, I moved my tail up and down again, moving very slowly until I caught a figure walking.

Swimming with my le- I mean tail was like when you're young and want to swim like a mermaid or merman in the pool but this was like 10 times harder, especially because of the weight.

"Guppie please stop." I rushed groaning a little and I was a little closer to shore. Doing a couple more pushes, I could clearly see Namjoon looking at me in amusement. "That was actually a lot harder than expected, however, come sit please, I would like to talk without raising our voices." I saw the hesitancy in his movement when he came to sit next to me after a long staredown.

"Jin l-".

"Please," I put my hand up, "don't say anything just listen to me, okay?" Namjoon nodded, exhaling loudly, and moved the water around with his finger as I took a deep breath.

Who do you guys think was in the wrong? Jin or Namjoon??

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