Chapter 9

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Finn's POV

Everything was set up perfectly. It had been hours since we got back and the sun was about to set but my Beta managed to get everything I wanted done. I've never gone on a date and I've never tried to flirt with a woman, a fact I'll take to my grave, but for Celeste,  anything . I wanted tonight to be perfect and with a little help it would be. I just had to convince Celeste to go with me. She was a timid thing so I hope the mate bond would be on my side.

I walked up to the roof where everything was set, the "fairy lights" or what ever Sally called them were hung up from corner to corner while roses were placed on nearly every surface. The table that was set up for us had been draped in a dark red cloth complete with candles and roses in the middle. I wanted something simple and comfortable for us both so we could get to know each other better with just the two of us around. It was already killing my bear to be away from her this long but I knew she needed time to adjust to being here. Moving was always a big leap.

Once I was satisfied with how everything looked it was now time to get Celeste. My nerves were everywhere at the thought of her reaction. Would she like it? Would she even want to come with me up here? What if I screw up?

So many questions running through my head I had not even realized I had been walking straight to her. While my mind was at work my body had managed to follow the scent of roses down the stairs and to the pack library. Once I was at the door I steeled myself for what I was about to do. I could smell she was inside but I could also smell another. Senan didn't like that too much considering it was a male he could smell in the room with her.

I couldn't stop him from grabbing the handle and twisting it till it broke swinging the door in just a swift motion it boomed as it hit the wall leaving a crack down to the floor. I looked round the room to find a sight I didn't think I'd see at all.

Celeste's POV

Moira was nice enough to show me around the pack house while Finn had my things put away and set up in "our room"....just thinking about that mad me cheecks heat up so much I'm sure I'm turning beet red. While she was talking about the history of this pack and why the counsel had set it up many years ago I got lost in thought while a line of small children in varying ages came down the hall to the kitchen. Watching as they all walked past a few females where trying to get them all in the kitchen for snack time. One little girl about he age of two I'd say was trying her hardest to keep up but was failing. Her chubby little legs wouldn't let her walk as fast as the others. Who was watching her? Why wasn't one of those women holding her, she can't be old enough to keep up then she is too young to walk on her own.  I walked over to the little one and got my answer.

As I approached she froze, her back hit the wall and she stared at me with large bottle green colored eyes.  Her little chest was moving up and down so fast I thought she'd faint. She was scared...of me. The black inky curls on her head shivered as she looked at me. What was her life like before to be so fearful of a small woman? I wanted to rail out and scream at her actions. No small child should have to fear like this. It broke my heart just to see it.

One of the women walked over to us and whispered in my ear. "This is Ella she won't speak to you.  We can't touch her or she will have a break down, which is why none of us can hold her. Be soft and slow when approaching her, we still arnt sure why she acts this way." I turned to look at the woman who was whispering to me. She had long blonde again and soft grey eyes reminding me of my old Luna, I knew I'd like her. I whispered back, " How old is she"? She glanced at the little one before answering aloud. "She is three miss." And walked off.

I turned back to the little girl named Ella and bent down slowly to her level. Her eyes were wild with fear at my closeness and her plump bottom lip trembled, she wouldn't look me in the eye or move a muscle. Poor little dear was shaking in her tiny boots. I tried a new approach.  Without moving fast I sat down on the floor in front of her and spoke in my usual whispered tone.

"Hello Ella, my what a beautiful name. Would you like to join me in my tour of the pack house?" She closed her eyes and a whimper came out. I tried again. "Sweetheart, would you like to see some magic?" I asked her. Her eyes darted to me and became wide but this time with curiosity. She glanced down at me as if asking, magic?  Yes sweet baby, magic. I can show you something wonderful would you like that?"  She took a tiny step towards me. Progress!

I slowly showed her my hands to let her see nothing was in them. She watched with so much intensity it was too cute. I took my right hand and held it palm up for her to see. "Watch closely princess " I whispered to her as I drew a circle in my palm with my left hand. Slowly a rose started to bloom in my palm and it grew before her eyes. I heard a tiny gasp form her as the color of the rose turned a bright pink at the tips and a peachy yellow in the middle. I looked up to see her staring wide eyed at the flower almost begging with her eyes to take it.

"Go ahead baby, its yours." I held the flower out to her. She reached out her tiny hands to grab it and the moment she did tears came into her eyes. "Wosey" she said. I was elated to hear her speak to me. My face hurt with the large smile I couldn't contain. "Thats right smart girl, a rose for a beautiful princess." She stood there watching me for i don't know how long, she then decided to walk up to me and sit in my lap while I was sat in the hall way. I couldn't describe the feeling of having a small child cuddle up to me. I loved all the babies in my old pack was always denied being around them. I felt almost whole in that moment.

Moira came around the corner that moment and broke the spell. "Oh there you are dear! And with little Ella too! My my she won't let anyone touch her." Moira walked over but little Ella just clung to my neck to hide her face. "Wosey" she whined in my my ear. "Its ok baby, I got you. " I rubbed her back and stood with her.

"I should probably get her back to the ladies watching the nursery." Moira eyes shifted to sadness at my words. "Honey...those aren't the nursery pups.  They are the orphans of the pack.  Some from unmated wolfs or bears and some from pairs who left this world far too soon." My hold on Ella  tightened. She was san orphan, no mother or father to watch her, love her, protect her like parents should. My heart broke a little more.

"She can come with us on the tour right?" I asked, hoping it would be ok. Moira just smiled and said of course as we made our way down the hall. Little Ella still in my grasp we got to the end of the hall when we heard "Ella! Ella where are you!"

I turned to see a small boy about six years old running down the hall towards us. His jet black hair and soft brown eyes held concern for little Ella as he approached. The little one took her head from my shoulder and stared down at the boy. "Hewe Mashon I's hewe." The boys stiff shoulders relaxed as he saw her happily sitting on my hip.

"Hello sweetheart, would like to join me and your sister on our tour too?" I asked him, he was such a handsome boy. "She's not my sister, I'm her protector " he puffed his little chest out to show he could do his job. I melted immediately.  "And what a good job you're doing too!" I said to him. The pride he took in that compliment had me smiling.

I grabbed his hand in mine. "Well let's be off Sir Knight and help me keep princess safe." They both giggled at me game.

An hour later....

Once the tour was done I still had Ella on my hip, refusing to be put down and a silly little Mason fussing over her. "Would you like me to read to you both? I could find us a book about princesses and knights?" They children's faces lit up at my offer and who was I to deny them.

We made our way to the large library and I combed the shelves for a book to read. I came upon the book Beauty and the Beast and decided that was good enough. I sat down in a large chair that was just in front of a roaring fire, to keep the cold out and began to read to the little ones.

Only a few chapters into the book and I could smell a wonderful smell coming from the door. It smelled of pine needles and sandalwood and I knew it must be Finn. What I didn't expect was him to smash the door in and scare the day lights out of poor Ella.

I turned my head to berate him a little but stopped when I saw Mason out of his seat next to me and on the ground growling at his Alpha. He didn't take too kindly at him scarring his friend. I look down to see a wailing Ella in my arms clinging for dear life and shaking from head to toe. What should I do now?....

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