Chapter 5

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Celeste's POV

My cousin has been here for two days already and has demanded that he stays with me, I don't of course I love that he wants to spend time with me. Currently in my room I'm getting ready to go to town with him, he says I need more things but I dont know what things I need. Looking at my choices of clothes I realized that he probably meant clothing of some sort. I only have a few shirts and pants, buying clothes is expensive and I only make so much when I sell bottles of oils and such at the neighboring village.

I opt for one of the very few sun dresses I have that I've been able to save for over the years, the white fabric is soft but thick with patterns of bright yellow sunflowers surrounding it. It was my favorite one to wear, with the weather getting cooler it was thick enough to block out the breeze but light enough to not make me sweat. I grab a pair of old sandles and head for the door.

I see my cousin sitting on the couch looking at his phone. "I'm ready Tom Tom" he looks up at me but the smile leaves his face and is replaced with a serious look. "Celeste, what are you wearing? Any unmated wolf within a hundred miles will try to snatch you once you are seen woman, go change." I'm truly shocked by his statement, unmated wolves? Wanting me? It was too funny not to laugh at. "Its fine Tom Tom, everyone near here knows what I am." I faulted as memories swarm me head. "They won't talk to me anyway, I assure you". He doesnt look too happy but he nods in acceptance anyway as we head to the door. Thomas is just as sweet as I remember him as a child, but he wouldnt know everything that's happened to me, he wouldnt know how the men in the village look at me. He would find out today.

We walked down the little path through the woods from my house commenting ever so often about the beautiful trees and flora this area held, but mostly we held a comfortable silence as we walked. Once we were at the edge of the village my nerves got the best of me. I was only ever here to sell or trade things on weekends when the markets were open to all. The only people who would buy from my stall were witches who would travel short distances to come and get fresh ingredients they otherwise couldn't get. I was never here to shop, so I wasnt really sure how things would go.

Thomas noticed my hesitation and grabbed my hand to lead me to the first shop. He let go of my hand once we reached the door and turned to adress me. "Celeste, we are going to go in side now and you're going to square your shoulders back and walk in with confidence and grace." The stern look in his black eyes held little room for argument, I gulped not thinking I could do this but I'd try from him at least.

We walk into the first shop and all the chatter that could be heard stopped as soon as they realized who walked in....maybe it would have been better to just order off the internet. I internally groaned, today was going to be long.

6 hours later.....

I couldnt believe it, I actually went shopping and didnt have one incident with anyone! The fact Thomas glared at anyone who looked at me twice probably helped a lot but still, I had managed to get things I needed without being kicked out or yelled at. It was a great day after all.

Walking back to my home we had bags upon bags of new clothes for me and pots and pans that I desperately needed. Later today a truck would come by with a new couch for my living room and a brand new bedroom suite for my room and also one for the guest room. Since I didnt have one before poor Thomas had to sleep on my old lumpy couch, but tonight he'd be able to sleep in comfort. I was beyond happy at how my day was turning out and couldn't wait to get home to put everything away.

Seeing my home come into view I ran up the steps and opened the door, I could hear Tom Tom behind me laughing at how excited I was. I made my way to my room and placed my bags onto my bed and started to go through everything. All the pants I had bought were placed on hangers and out minto my tiny closet along with at least twenty new blouses and t-shirts. Ten pairs of shorts and sleepwear were folded carefully and put into the only dresser I had that stood next to the door. Multiple shoes now lined my closet floor along with new coats for the winter. Once all was done I made my way to the kitchen were I heard Tom Tom putting away my new pots and pans.

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