Chapter 2

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Celeste's POV

Of all days to be late to the pack house this had to be it, my birthday, the day my cousin was to come with his Alpha to acces us as a pack. Things couldnt be worse right now.

As I wall up to the pack house I see my Alpha standing at the door with an irritated look on his handsome face. "Celeste, do you mind telling me why you're almost an hour late?" His grey eyes looked at me with his usual emotion, displeasure. Being the "abomination " of the pack he never really looked at me with anything but that. He scared me though, I always got the idea he hated me more than most because of my genetics and the fact his Luna favored me. Trepidation was an understatement when it came to him.

"I'm sorry Alpha, I didnt sleep well last night, it wont happen again I swear". His arms were folded over his large chest, hesd cocked to the side as if he was pondering on if I was telling the truth. Thankfully he let it go. "See that it doesn't, now get inside and get to work. The Alpha will be here in a few hours." He walked off leaving me alone on the massive porch. "Yes Alpha".

The door had slammed in my face once the words were out so I waited a few moments for Alpha Kane to leave the immediate area, not wanting to cause myself more trouble. Once all was clear I opened the door and made my way down the long corridor to the cleaning closet. Upon opening the door I could see all the supplies lined up along the walls with bottles stacked on the shelves just waiting to be used. The first one I grabbed were the brooms. Holding them in my hand I closed my eyes and thought of what I wanted them to do, the one I was currently holding stood on it's own and began to shuffle down the hall. I knew without a doubt it was headed for the forth floor so I grabbed another to send it off to the third and second floors to do its job. Once they were out of sight I sent yet another to the kitchen to start its job there while I worked on the massive living room.

I grabbed the cleaning spray with a cloth and turned to leave when someone cleared thier throat. "Ahem" it sounded soft and delicate like a little dove too scared to make a noise. I knew instantly who it was, I turned to face them. "Hello Luna, how are you today?" I whispered out although i knew she could hear me clearly. I wasnt aloud to speak to people most days and with that being the case for years, anxiety grew within me when it came to speaking to anyone.

She smiled at me then, her strawberry blonde hair was let loose and cascaded down her back in beautiful waves, the soft dove gray of her eyes held affection for me,it was the only time I saw affection from anyone. Her willowy frame made her look ethereal and light, as if she wouldn't hurt a fly, but being of this pack I knew better. She could snap your head off and not break a sweat. I never feared her for it, only admired.

"I'm well Celeste, thank you for asking. How is your birthday so far darling?" She asked with a genuine smile and a warmth in her eyes. It always amazed me that she remembers, she never once forgot and each year she gave me a gift. She was the inky one who would, my own parents wouldn't associate with me let alone give thier daughter a gift.

I looked down to the ground remembering my rules. "Its been fine Luna, thank you." I whispered. Her smiled faulted slightly at my shyness.
"Well I have a gift for you in my study, you can pick it up once you're done ok sweetheart?" She looked at me for a few moments before I nodded my head in agreement, her warm smile returning. "Good, I'll see you soon honey." And with that she walked off. There were so many nights I'd lie awake and wish she was my mother, she was the inky one who showed kindness to me since I was a child. She often helped me clean my wounds or scrapes from falling or ones I received from "accidents" when someone pushed me. I loved her like she was my mother, I secretly put a binding spell around her for protection. I doubt she or anyone else knew but it had to be done. I couldnt afford to lose the only pack member who I loved and showed me affection.

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