Chapter 18

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I hate Selkies. There's no point in beating around the bush, I absolutely, unequivocally HATE Selkies. This stupid man sat in my room watching my mate storm away, and all he could say to me was, Can he order one in his size?" If I didn't have Senan in better control right now his head would be flying off. Taking deep breaths were not helping.

Brutus chose that moment to walk up to Ciane and grab him by the neck once more. "Oomph" is all that came out of his smug mouth while dangling. "Do you want me to move him, Alpha?" Brutus always had a way with words.

"No, Brutus, he's fine. Set the bastard down before you hurt him so he can pack. His. Things." The pointed look I gave him was enough to keep him from arguing, but not enough to keep him silent. "Well, I like this room. Unfortunately, it's taken. I also like the red head that came with it." His sly grin was getting on my last nerve. "Do you know if there are any other red heads in this pack? Didn't know I liked the color until today, but I say she is a sight to behold, even when mad, isn't she?" At this point, Senan was becoming difficult to keep at bay.

"If you enjoy life, Ciane, I suggest you refrain from commenting on my mate while I'm in hearing distance. Otherwise, you'll find your head clean off your shoulders." That seemed to shut him up long enough to get his things in order and his clothes back on. Brutus and I escorted him out of our room and into the hallway, making our way to the west wing, where guests were supposed to stay. All the while tmCiane didn't shut up about finding his mate and "all the pretty girls" in the pack. It was exhausting trying to think with him around.

All I could think about, however, was my mate. She knew I wasn't meaning to be distant... right? I was only trying to strengthen our borders and form a plan for when that bastard came to get her, and I knew he would. No man was that obsessed without trying to take what isn't his. Hopefully, we'd all be ready when he did, and we'd be waiting for him.

It took what seemed like forever for all three of us to get to Cianes' new room and leave him there, Goddess knows the man could talk your ears off and make five minutes feel like eternity. As soon as he was inside, I turned to go to the kitchens where I was hoping my mate would be. Brutus, as always, was right behind me in silent thought, bless him.

Stalking our way down the hallway, it didn't escape my notice of two dark colored heads making a bee line for the kicthen doors. Someone is making tea cakes today. I chuckled at the thought, the children all loved Moiras tea cakes, and so did Celeste. She must be there talking to Moira. No doubt she's calming my mate down enough to talk to me about earlier.

Making our way to the kitchen door, I hear a conversation that makes my blood run ice cold. " She told me to come straight here, Miss Moira. She told me I couldn't stop with Ella for anything. And I didn't." Mason's voice was clearly heard and unmistakable. The waiver in it, however, gave me pause. " You did good, little one. Let's get the Alpha, and he'll know what to do." Moiras voice held concern and a little fear mixed in as well. I burtlst through the doors at that moment, unable to keep out.

"Do about what?" I asked as I served the room. Two little ones were perched on the stools at the kitchen bar while Moira was standing between them. Relief shone on her face. "Oh, thank the Goddess, Finn, Mason just came in and told me that Celeste was acting odd in the green room and told him to come straight here. Scared the young man to death." She brushed his hair back while handing him and then Ella a cookie. "You should go check in her." .. Go check on her? I turned from the door and made my way to the green house room. I didn't need to ask Brutus to come with me. He was already by my side as we made good time there. The long halls of the pack house only seemed longer once my anxiety spiked and my pace quickened. Once at the door to her room, I sniffed the outside, nothing but her scent and the children's.

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