Chapter 21

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Celeste's POV

Finn held me as we made it to the underground dungeon where I was held, the smell still hitting me hard with the foul smell of death. The shouts from down the long dark hall were too muffled by the walls to really hear what it was.

As we made our way down the hall, I could feel Finn become more ridged with worry. I didn't know what to expect as we rounded the corner of the last room that was supposed to hold Fauna. All I know is that it wasn't Brutus staring down a small frightened woman who was pushed into a corner while the other pack members try to drag him out of the room so they can get to her. The yelling became more desperate when she whined into wall and hid her face when a member I knew as Troy came closer.

As far as I know, Troy wouldn't hurt a fly, but she didn't know that. Poor Brutus had at least five other pack members on his arms, pulling with all their might. Unfortunately, it didn't make him budge, but her whimper did. Before Finn or I could step in, Brutus threw the men off him and walked towards Fauna. Her reaction was one I could see coming. Her eyes grew large with fear, and her face went pale, the scream she wanted to let out stuck in her throat. The look alone on her face made him pause.

Her large pink eyes looked up at him in fear as he made his way over. The crown of stark white hair that fell into her face curled around her arms like a think blanket of protection. The tremble of her lips made him pause long enough for me to take action at least. "Brutus, wait!"

He paused but didn't look at me or Finn. "She's scared Brutus, look at her. She's been in a cell for Goddess knows how long and was tormented by a large shifter, just give the poor girl a moment." I didn't know if he would listen or if I'd have to get Finn to handle the situation. He seemed so intent on getting to her. Thankfully, the large man is also intelligent and patient.

He turned to the door and stalked out without a single glance back at any of us. Before he could complete make it out of the room, I saw his eyes, his once soft green gaze had turned black as coal and I knew it could only mean one thing.

I set my eyes to Fauna once more and made my way slowly towards her while speaking as soft as I could. "Fauna?" Her head snapped in my direction. If I thought her eyes couldn't get any larger, I was wrong. They almost look cartoonish against her frame of face. They held distrust, though. "Fauna, I'm Celeste. I was held in the cell down the hall with a few others, including your sister Flora." At the name, her eyes darted past me, searching for what I knew was gone. "She's not here anymore, pet. I'm so sorry."

The tears welled in her unusual eyes, and her lip started to tremble. The shifter to my right stepped closer, holding his hands up as a sign of goodwill. I recognized him from pack meetings Finn had once a week in his office. It was Shaun. He was already in his sixties, but still in his prime, the white streaks that ran through his hair and the laugh lines around his eyes could be misleading. He was and still is a deadly man, but get him around a crying woman or child, and he was putty.

" I mean you no harm princess, I just want a look at your neck is all love." The fatherly tember of his voice is probably what settled her because after he spoke, she stilled and willingly let him look at her. He tilted her head up away from her chest to reveal an awful gash on her collar bone. The tears once again sprang to her lash line.

"Oh no, no angel, we'll fix you up. Don't you worry. We have the best doctors around, you'll see." Shaun picked up the young woman as if she weighed nothing and headed out the door with half a dozen shifters trailing behind him, all just trying to sooth the little dear.

I turned to my mate then and realized he had been trying to hid his laugh this whole time at the scenario we seemed faced with. "Finn, this isn't funny! You know as well as I that she's Brutus' MATE!" The look of pure joy still held his mischievous face, Goddess above help me!

"I know love, but I see it as a wonderful thing. Brutus gets his mate and she gets hers. What's the big deal?" He shrugged as if this was all normal. Why is it that every man, no matter the species, never gets it?! Goddess damn it all! "Finn, Brutus is huge, he's quiet and he's formidable. She's small, acts like a child and I don't even know if it's all the time or just when scared but how well do you think that will turn out?" I watched as his handsome face fell a little, finally seeing the issues I was.

"But they are mates, they will work out Celeste, you know they will." He tried the confident approach with me...Goddess be right. "True, mates are one is to tamper with that."

"Good! It's settled, she will come with us and we will watch carefully." His eyes softened to that we'll known look between us. Holding out my hand as he grabbed it engulfing it with his enormous one, I took a good look at my mate and the shifters around us all helping others out. "Let's go home Finn, I'm ready to see my pup."

The smile he gave me at the mention of our girl could melt metal bones. Goddess I love my Mate, my pup and what the future holds. And I'll never have to be alone again, never again.


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