Chapter 4

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Pic of Thomas**

Celeste's POV

I couldn't believe my cousin was here to see me, no one in my family has associated with me in twelve years. He wouldn't know why though, so I guess him being here is for a limited time. Once he knew he'll leave like everyone else...I wasnt sure I was emotionally prepared for Thomas to leave like all the others,  but I had to tell him the truth.

I couldn't look at him, when he asked me why I was out here alone I couldn't find the words needed to explain. I didnt want to see the look of disgust in his eyes once he knew. The same look they all had the day I turned ten, not Thomas , I couldnt loose him.

"Why dont you come inside and we can talk Tom Tom." I couldnt even bring my voice above a whisper for even him, the shame and anxiety woukdnt allow me to. We walked inside and I lead him to my small livingroom, I found it comfortable but with him sitting on my sofa I realized just how small my house was. I could sit in this area and have more than enough room to move about, but poor Thomas dwarfed my couch and his legs almost reached the small fireplace on the other side of the room. I noticed he was looking around at the things I had and I became self conscious of what little I owned. "I'll go get you a drink Tom Tom, I'll be right back."

I left him to go to my fridge, opening the door I grabbed a few water bottles and headed back into the livingroom.  Once I was there he motioned for me to sit with him, at first I didnt want to but this was Thomas, he'd never hurt me. I took the seat next to him while he turned his large body towards me.  His eyes were kind but I could see the internal battle that was playing out in his head. "Celeste, why would you call Youself an abomination sweety? Who told you, you were?" His saddened expression made me feel the same, I didnt want to answer but knew I had to.

"Mother did....and all the others." I replied looking anywhere but at him. I felt his fingers under my chin and he forced me to face him, anger was an understatement to what I saw on his face. "Why Celeste,  tell me why they said those things." Tears pricked the back of my eyes while I looked at him, this is it. He is angry because one of his own is an abomination,  a piece of filthy, a joke, not even worthy of basic human contact. A sob escaped me and I hung my head continuing my response.

"When I turned ten mother threw me a birthday party,  everyone was there but you couldn't make it, Uncle Ivan was busy so he didnt have the time to take you". I took a breath, another sob escaping. " when I blew out my candles  I wished for a pony, like any child would at that age and one appeared in the living room next to me. When they all saw everyone screamed and ran out, mother was screaming and Dad took the pony out back and shot him.....he said no devil conjured beast would live around him." I took a deep breath before I continued, pained at remembering it all too well.

"Once that was done Mom and Dad took me to the Alpha....he told them I couldn't be around the pack members for thier safety...Mom was  embarrassed and ashamed of what I was so they made me pack all my things, excluding my birthday presents and they told me I had to live here from now on. I've been here twelve years Tom Tom." I ended it with another sob, I didnt look at him the whole time I spoke,  scared that he would have the same look on his face...would he leave now? Would he reject me as family and act like I didn't exist anymore? The thoughts swirled in my head making me lose more tears. I was beyond distraught at the thought, until I felt a hand on my shoulder. Do I dare look up?

Before long the hand on my shoulder became an arm around my waist hauling my over to him while he sushed me and patted my head. "You're not an abomination Celeste, please dont cry. Shhhhh there's a good girl" he cooed at me while my sobs turned to light hiccups and sniffles. When I had finally calmed down I lifted my head to look him in the eyes.

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