Chapter 10

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Finn's POV

When the door opened I expected to see some male mauling my mate or at the very least flirting with her. What I didn't expect was that my mate was sitting in a large chair that dwarfed her and had a little one in her lap,  and another on the ground growling at me as if to say "back off". That's my mate little man....

I walked into the room slowly so the children wouldn't be scared, they usually were when I was around due to shear size. As I made my way to my mate I could see the little one in her hold stiffen as I got closer and her little body trembled. The boy got up from his crouched position and came between me and the girls. I looked down at him to see his little chest puff up with each deep breath he took, probably trying to fight off tears and hold his courage. I puffed a little too in honesty, I was proud to have such a courageous young pup in my pack, he'd make a good warrior one day...maybe more if he was inclined.

I was snapped out of my thoughts on him when he decided to growl at me again. This time unshed tears was in his eyes but the determined scowl he gave me told me he didn't want to back down, even to his Alpha.  I bent down to his level and looked him in the eyes, determined to ease his mind since his goal was clear. "Pup, do you think I'm here to hurt you?" I asked as gently as I could, having a voice as deep as mine sometimes didn't work to my advantage.

He nods his head never leaving my gaze. A brave boy indeed. I sighed and sat down on the floor to make him feel more at ease. "Thats my mate in the chair pup, she is also your Luna. Do you think a mate would hurt another?" I knew he knew the answer to this. From a young age all the pups in the pack learned what it meant to be in a pack, what it meant to be the wolf or bear they were and what it meant to be a mate.

His dark features softened when I told him she was my mate. He turned his small head to Celeste in her chair as if asking if it were true. She still had the little girl in her tight grip when she smiled at him and gave a slight nod. He seemed to understand the situation then and walked back over to Celeste with his head hung low. No doubt he thought punishment was coming but I could never bring myself to do such a thing. I reached up to ruffle his hair when he flinched hard.

I gently placed my hand on his head and smoothed his glossy black hair back and whispered. "Well done brave boy." His cheeks turned pink but said with more strength in his voice. " I am a brave boy,  I'm a protector " his little chest puffed out to show me he was serious. I couldn't help but smile at that. "Indeed you are pup,  not many a man can look an Alpha in the eye and hold his ground."  I winked at him, his face could have blinded the sun with his smile.

I turned to Celeste to check on the little one in her arms. Her beautiful eyes looked at me with such tenderness I nearly forgot why I was there. Her soft smile was pointed at me but her arms where still held around the tiny bundle in her lap.

I bent down to her lap as well and placed a large hand on the child's back. Her whole body could damn near fit in one hand she was so tiny.  I felt her stiffen and whine out a small "wosey" as her hold tightened on my mates neck. Celeste sushed the child and told her it was ok, that no one in this room would hurt her. She promised her that it was alright so the child let lose of her hold and turned in her lap to look up at me.

My chest tightened instantly when her big green eyes looked up at me with such fear. Eyes so close to the color of my mates. Her sweet black curls resembled my black hair and I couldn't help but to think if this is what our pups or cubs would one day look like. Her chubby hands where hold something to her chest for dear life and I was curious to see what it was. "What do you have there princess?" I made my voice as light as possible. Her little lip trembled as she unfurled her hands to show a pretty rose. "W-wosey." Was all she said and a few tears escaped her large eyes.  " I see Angel, you have a pretty rose for a pretty girl huh?"

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