Chapter 6

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Celeste's POV

We were all sitting at the table in my small kitchen, how we all fit I'm not sure. My mate, Finn, hasnt let me go yet. I was sat on his lap and every time I tried to move to another seat a deep rumble left his chest, apparently his bear didnt like me wanting my own seat. I kept trying to grab my cousins eyes so he could help me. He just laughed around his fork as he shoveled food into his mouth. Finn had been eating quietly and slowly, taking each bite and slowly chewing before he would swallow. I hadn't touched any food, every time I moved he'd growl. I wasn't sure if it was because he was angry or happy.

"Eat Celeste". I looked up to see my massive mate look down at me with concerned blue eyes. I could only stare back, I didnt know how to respond. Blinking a few times I cleared my throat. "I can't. " I whispered. I heard his grunt as he moved me to sit facing him. I kept looking at his chest not daring to look up again but his large hands found my face and lifted it to him. "Why cant you eat little one?" The deep timber of his voice sent shivers of pleasure down my spine. I stole a glance before looking back down.

"You growl when I move, you're bear doesnt seem to like me". My timid answer made him freeze in his seat with a mildly shock expression on his chiseled face. He held me a little tighter, I had no choice but to move my hands around his neck so I wouldnt be squished. "No little one, my bear likes you very much. He just doesnt like you wanting to leave him just yet. I'm sorry Love but bears don't let their mates out of their sight or hold for a while, if we do it doesnt end well." His rumbled reply vibrated through my chest. He likes me...his bear likes me!

A small smile made it's way onto my lips while my head was on his shoulder. I turned after a few mintues to look at my plate, still untouched. I tried pulling it closer to me so I could finally get a few bites but it was a little too far. I pulled a little from Finn and reached trying to grab it but still no use. Finally my cousin spoke up. "Goddess Finn at least let the poor girl grab her plate or do you want your mate to starve." He laughed at the way we looked. A huge man holding a small woman while she tried to reach food.

A low rumble was heard over the laugh, his bear didnt like the thought of me starving. Finn grabbed my plate and started feeding me the sandwich that laid in front of us. I wasnt sure if I was grateful or not to Thomas for his words. On one hand I was eating, on the other I was being fed like a child and wasnt allowed to stop until it was all done.

"So. How long do you think she'll need to pack?" Thomas was the first to speak up. I looked over at him, his black eyes sparkled with excitement. Pack? Where were we going? "I already called Brutus, he and Jacob should be here within a day to over see the packing and shipment of her furniture." Finn responded. He never took his eyes off me. I looked at him then with wide eyes. What was going on? He could see the confusion and uncertainty on my face. His usually stoic face softened and his eyes lost any seriousness as a soft reassuring smile spread on his face. "You're moving to my pack, our pack little one. And you'll be able to see Thomas everyday along with his mate. Doesnt that sound like fun?" He was trying to make me less frightened by bringing Thomas into worked. I have thought many times about leaving my pack, they all hated me so I never have a reason to stay except not having anywhere else to go. I was now given the opportunity to leave and never have to return. Excitement filled me along with sorrow for leaving my Luna, the conflicting emotions made it hard to breathe.

I have to leave her a present, I can't leave without making sure she is safe. With new determination I bolted out of Finn's arms and ran to my green house unthinking. The moment I was out of his arms I heard a muttered oath from Thomas before a roar deafened both of us. I spun on my heel to see Finn struggling to keep his eyes blue but they kept switching back and forth so fast. His breaths were labored as sweat made his dark brown hair stick to his head. Realizing my mistake I took slow steps back to him. Lifting my hand to place on his shoulder I eased my touch on to him so I wouldn't startle him.

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