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Christopher had left me alone to bleed from the stab wound on my tigh. He went upstairs 20 minutes ago and I haven't seen him since, at least I think it was twenty minutes.
There was no clock around and time seemed to drag, it feels like I've been handcuffed to this chair forever.

Gray would have realised that I was gone by now, I hope he's seen my message in the salt.
At the time I had to think fast while I was fighting from Christopher's grasp,I had to think of some way to tell him who was doing this.
But even if he figures this out, what chance is there that he'll actually know where I am?

I'm on my own!!

I have to do this alone,I have to get myself out of this. I need to for my baby.
My hands were handcuffed to the frame of the wooden back of my chair. Tipping my chair over in hopes that It would brake could alert him and that's game over.
I need to figure a way out of these cuffs,squeeze my hand through maybe.

I pulled slightly,trying to squeeze my hand out. I had a little room but not enough. If my thumb was out of the way this would be doable, but that means that I'll have to pull hard enough and possibly dislocate it. The thought of it alone had my squeamish but I don't think I have a choice other than to pull and hope for the best.

I pulled and then stopped because I was afraid of the outcome. It'll be worse if I sit here and do nothing."Pull yourself together,Layne.You can do it."I whispered.

I pulled hard trying to get my hand free,while also trying to be as quite as I could. I didn't want him figuring out what I was doing.
I pulled even harder, damaging my hand in the process but I did it. The skin had peeled off and my hand wasn't in a good way but I was free.

I was just about to stand up when I heard his footsteps across the landing.
In a panic I placed my hands behind my back hoping that he wouldn't notice that I was loose.

Christopher walked down the stairs and smirked at me."How are you feeling?"

"Pain,but that's to be expected after being stabbed in the leg."

He chuckled."I've always said you were funny,especially when you're pissed about something."
Christopher shrugged a shoulder."In fairness you kind of deserved it."

"For something that happened all those years ago,when we were young and stupid.
This isn't right, You know that!!"

"Not just for then,but for all the years since. For everything I've had to put up with."He pulled his chair over again and sat down in front of me.
"I've had to stand by and watch you date guy after guy, hoping that you would realise that none of them were good enough for you."

"In your opinion."

He glared at me."You know I was thinking about keeping you alive,but your being a bitch and I'm starting to change my mind."

"Gray will find me,Christopher. He's smart,hell figure out where I am and he'll come for me."
I was scaring him into letting me go, knowing that it was a long shot.
He had a plan for me, he'll want to see it though.

"He's not coming..No one is!! We're out in the middle of nowhere, no one will find us.
Your precious Gray is going to die tomorrow, my plan was to kill him first but I had to act quickly when I knew you were leaving town."

Gray can overpower him,he's stronger. But if he hasn't seen my message he won't be cautious of Christopher.
He's just a sitting duck. I have to do something.

"Please,Don't hurt him."I begged, because Gray's life depended on it."Don't hurt him, you have me..No one else needs to get hurt."

He smirked."Begging for his life,How sweet!! But I'm afraid it just wasn't ment to be.
He'll die tomorrow and you'll die afterwards."

A tear slipped down my cheek even though I willed myself to be strong.
I didn't want Christopher to see my tears, he didn't deserve them.

"You're fucking sick!!"I shouted.

He shot up,wrapping his hands around the arms of my chair. He was in my face,staring me down and looking absolutely furious."Don't test me,Layne. You haven't seen me angry yet."

As he was busy shouting in my face, I moved my hands forward and pulled the knife that was still stuck in my thigh. With the adrenaline I didn't feel much, but I could tell that he did when I stabbed him in the stomach area and he screamed in pain.

"YOU FUCKING BITCH!!"He pulled back holding his stomach in pain.

I took it as my chance to run, he was wounded now and this was my best shot. I hobbled towards the door, now feeling the pain in my leg because I had pressure on it.
Christopher grabbed hold of me and we struggled some, I kneed him in the privates and ran.

Out into the night, I looked around seeing nothing but trees and a parked car. I ran straight for the car but of course it was locked.


I ran towards the woods,at least in there I'll have some coverage.
In my bare feet I ran through the trees, hoping to get as far away from him as possible.
I need to get to the road, maybe I can stop a passing car.

"Layne.."Christopher shouted."Come on out."

I hid behind a tree as he got closer, it was dark so I was hoping that he wouldn't be able to see me.
He knows I'm out here, I don't think he's going to give up until he finds me.

"You know I'll find you,Layne."He held up a gun as he got closer.
"You might as well come out now before you make this worse on yourself."

I picked up a tree branch from the ground, it was thick enough to do some damage if I swing it at him.

"GET THE FUCK OUT HERE,BITCH!!"He shouted, even more angry now. He was loosing his plot because he couldn't find me.

Christopher walked past the tree that I was hiding behind, I swung the branch at his head from behind and he fell to the ground.
Quietness surrounded us as I stood unbelievably still beside his body.

Is he dead?? I hit him hard enough, even for a girl that's weak from loss of blood. I'm afraid of the outcome either way.

I could hear the police siren in the distance."Gray's found me."
I took a step away and Christopher grabbed my leg and pulled me to the ground. He stood over me, kicking me again and again.
"Please, Christopher. Don't do this."

"You made me angry. Now this is what you get."He kicked me again.
"Change of plan,I'm going to have to kill you first."

"Please,I'm pregnant."I screamed, not able to take anymore.
If he has any decency for human life, he'll stop this now.

"Pregnant with his baby. Isn't that just swell, having a baby with a man you barely know."He kicked me again, showing me that he didn't care."How could you get pregnant by him?"

I spotted his gun in the dirt, it must have fell out of his hand when I hit him. I reached over, feeling weak from him kicking me and the loss of blood. I didn't want him to realise what I was doing so I tried to be discreet.
I finally had it in my grasp and I turned around, pointing it at him.

Christopher chuckled."You're not going to shoot me,Layne. Stop being ridiculous and put down the fucking Gun."

I took the safety off and pulled the trigger without hesitation.
Right between the eyes, all those lessons at the firing range had paid off. Christopher fell to the floor and this time I knew he was dead.

"Today wasn't my day to die..It was yours."I rested back down on the dirt and looked up at the trees above me as my eyes started to feel heavy.

"Layne..Layne.."A voice called in the distance.

"Gray.."My voice came out faint, I was so weak. I couldn't sit up and I couldn't move,I was on the verge of loosing consciousness.

Lights came into view and Gray crouched down beside me and held me close.
"Layne..Layne..Jesus Christ."

"Gray..You're here."i extended my hand up and caressed his cheek. My vision was blurry and then everything started to go dark."I love y.."

When I looked up next i could see the sky above me, we were moving and I realised Gray was carrying me in his arms.
He looked down at me."Stay with me, we're almost there.
I love You,Layne..I love you."

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