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Markus and I were checking the addresses of two of Layne's Ex boyfriend's.
Either one of them could be doing this so I wanted to check them out and see what they're like.
I've been trained to noticed odd behaviour patterns.. If they have something to hide I'll find out.

I'm good at what I do.

"I don't know if Justin will even be in, he was quite the party boy when they dated and it's a Saturday night."Markus said, looking through the frosted glass of the door.

Just as he did the front door to the apartment opened.
A tallish man with short blonde hair stood in front of us and looked Markus up and down.

"Markus.."His brows furrowed together.
"What are you doing here.. Is Layne okay?"

"She's fine."

"Why are you here then?"He asked, still a little confused.
There's no other reason for Markus to be showing up at his door unless it has to do with Layne, so I understand his confusion.

"Can we come in, Justin."I asked.
"We would like to speak to you about Layne?"

He shrugged his shoulders."Guess so."
Justin walked in ahead and we followed behind him down the hallway to the living room.
"So what's up.. Is this about that stalker thing?"

"You know about that?"

"Layne told me."Justin took a seat on his worn out leather sofa.
"Layne and I still keep in touch every now and then."

I didn't know that Layne still talked to him, she never mentioned it.
Honestly I was feeling a little annoyed about it, We've been sleeping next to each other every night and she didn't tell me she kept in touch with him.
She acted like Justin was out of her life.

"Well this stalking thing is getting serious"
Markus sat down on the armchair and looked in Justin's direction.
"This guy broke into her apartment in the middle of the night..
We worry he might do something to hurt her."He Added.

"Let me guess..You think I'm the guy?"

I wasn't playing any games here.. It could be him.
He needs to know that I'm on to him No matter what he says.
"Possibly.. You dated her so you're a suspect."

He scoffed."Im not doing this to her.
Layne and I dated for awhile.. Until we both realised we weren't right for each other.
She wanted something more serious, I didn't and that was that."

"Did your relationship end on a good note?"I asked, even though I already knew the answer.
I wanted to see his reaction to the question.

He sighed."You know we did."

I looked across at Markus and he shrugged his shoulders.
I'm not getting any sort of vibe from the guy.. He seems sincere.

"Can I use your Bathroom?"Markus asked, already getting up from his seat.

"Yeah, Down the hall to the left."

Markus left the room and I was alone with Justin.
I already knew that Markus was looking for evidence..The shoulder shrug he gave was the go ahead.

ObsessionOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora