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"Layne.. Layne.."

I heard a voice call and my eyes opened slightly, I could faintly make out my Dads face.
What the hell is going on?

"Dad.."I tried to sit up but my head felt funny, that's when I looked around me and noticed I was lying on my living room floor.

"Take it easy, Sweetheart. I'm going to help you to the couch."He took my hand and we walked towards my couch, where he sat me down with ease.

"What's going on..What are you doing here?"I asked,feeling very confused and a little out of it.

"I'm in town for work,I'm staying in a hotel close by here.
When I got your call you sounded weird and I was worried so I came straight over."

Call..I didn't call him..At least I don't remember.
I don't remember much actually.

"I didn't call you,Dad."He pulled his phone from the pocket of his suit jacket, it showed a received call from me and a couple of outgoing calls to me aswell that were unanswered.

"When I got here you were passed out on the floor with the door opened."He settled beside me on the couch."How much did you drink, Layne?"

"Not a lot..I remember.."

I paused thinking back on the night, the nightclub Markus was with a Red head when I decided to leave.
I remember feeling a little dizzy getting into the taxi, the driver..

There was someone else in the taxi with me.. MY STALKER.
I remember his words now..Hush now, you'll be home soon.

"What is it, Layne?"My Dad asked.

The fear of God was in me now. That man whoever he is, had me on conscious and brought me home. He could have done whatever he wanted with me.

"I left the bar alone,but someone was in the cab with me. I don't remember his face."I was shaking, my fingers had that sensation of pins and needles.

"It was a man?"

"Yes,The man who's been stalking me all these months.
He was in the cab with me and he brought me home doing god only knows what to me."I wiped the tears from my cheeks.

The front door opened and Gray walked in, he looked across the room at me and my Dad sat on the couch and he furrowed his brows."What's going on?"


I was changing in my bedroom, thankful to have a few minutes alone to calm my nerves. Gray knows everything and he tired to calm me as best he could, but I know I can only be the one to do that.

I was about to leave the room when I overheard Gray and my Dad talking in the living room..

My Dad sighed."I found her past out on the living room flooe with the front door wide open, she must have had too much to drink and passed out."

"Layne said she didn't drink that much,she thinks that someone drugged her and followed her back here."

"What do you think?"My Dad asked.

I listened to Gray pace the floor."I think she's been a little on edge since they caught her Stalker, mixing alcohol with her medication didn't make things any better."

"So you think that this is all in her head just like I do..
They caught the Guy..She doesn't need to be afraid anymore."

Gray sighed."Yeah,Well she's used to being afraid now. She's been afraid for so long.

Those little SHITS!!

How could they not believe me..Both of them. I'm not making this up, this is not in my head.
I opened the bedroom door and walked down the hallway, they both turned to my attention when they heard me.

Gray walked towards me, trying to be sensitive and sweet by placing his hand on my back."How are you feeling?"

"I'm fine, Just a little tired."Hint Hint, to my Dad to get a move on. I've a bone to pick with this boyfriend of mine.

"I should get going and let you rest, but I hope we can catch up tomorrow for lunch maybe?"He asked.

"Yeah, I'll call you."

My Dad grabbed his things and walked across the room towards me, he pressed a kiss to my forehead."Love you, Layney."

"Love You, Too."

My Dad left. Gray and I were finally alone. I wonder if he even wants to be with me now that he thinks I'm mentally unstable.

"Let's get you to bed."Gray started the usual lock up routine that we do every time he stays over.
Check windows, Lock doors, make sure everything is switched off and plugged out.
It's better to be safe than sorry.

"Where were you tonight, Gray?"

He glanced over at me from the kitchen."Working, You know that."

"You Liar!!"I walked closer to him. "Deon told me that you were taking some time off,so I know that you're lying to me.
What's going on,Gray?"

"I was with your Mom."

My Mom..Why the hell was he with my Mom when he told me he was at work?



I was sitting at Helena's kitchen island as he made coffee for two.
I lied to Layne and told her I was working but truthfully I was worried about her, I wanted to talk to her Mom and see what she thought.

"I noticed she was a little on edge when we were shopping yesterday, not her usual self."

I sighed."Well she thinks the police have the wrong Guy. As far as she's concerned, her stalker is still out there."

Helena placed the coffee's down on the island."What do you think?"

I shrugged my shoulder."I'm worried about her, she's on medication to help ease her mind and help her relax. I don't know if it's making things better or worse."

"I think it's quite normal for her to be paranoid after what she's been through. Feeling on edge is what she's become used to."

I sighed again."I wish it wasn't, I just want her to be okay."

"We all do. I think something that would benefit her right now is some counseling.
She would talk to someone about what happened."



"I can't believe you went behind my back and talked to my Mom like that."I was absolutely livid that he did this to me.

"I didn't know what else to do,Layne. I'm worried about you. Given what happened tonight I have every right to be."

"You're worried that I'm going crazy and making this up..You're not worried that someone is out to get me."I shouted.

"Layne, Please."He walked towards me, trying to take me into his arms. "I'm sorry, Please just understand where I'm coming from."

I looked up at him,with tears in my eyes."You don't believe me, there's nothing else to say."

I stormed down the hallway towards my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind me.
I wiped the tears from my cheeks and pulled back the covers on my bed. I'm sleeping alone tonight, from the way things have gone sleeping alone could be a possibility every night now.

I pulled the blanket up over me and cried just a little bit more, no one believes me but I wish they did.
Maybe this is what my Stalker wants, for me to be vulnerable like this so it makes it easier for him to get to me.

I don't know what to do.

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