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The day had only just started and it was already the worst day ever.
Being here in my apartment knowing that this guy has been here.. Possibly touching my things, It was creeping me out.

I just wanted to get out of this apartment and never look back,which was pretty impossible at the moment since the police were here questioning us.

"So you chased after him and he pulled a blade on you before getting away.."
The female officer looked up at Grey.
"Is that correct, Mr Matthew's?"

"Yes, That's right."

"Did you see his face?"

Gray sighed,"No, I didn't.
It was too dark and he was dressed in dark clothing."

"And last night.. You stayed here?"

Grey looked at me and then back at her.
"I'm Layne's security and an old family friend.. So yes, I was staying here."

She raised her perfectly shaped eyebrows at what he said and wrote everything in her notepad.
"Did you sleep on the couch?"

"I don't understand why it's relevant where I slept?"
He looked upset as he braced his hands on his hips.

"Well I'm just wondering, if this guy broke in here how would you not of heard him if you were sleeping right there?"
Officer Roberts pointed to the couch made up with blankets since last night.

"He was with me.. In my room."
I blurted my words out quickly before anymore was said.

Grey looked over at me, giving me a slight smile.
I think he was trying to protect me by not telling the cops he spent the night in my bed.. But it wasn't something that bothered me.

"Miss Brennan,You mentioned that you were the one who locked up after Mr Matthew's got in?"Officer Robert's asked.

"Yes, I locked up before bed."

"And the camera?"

"We left it on the coffee table."
I pointed to the coffee table in the living room from my place in the kitchen.
"The screensaver on my phone was changed too.. He was in my room."

"Can I take a look at that?"

I handed my phone to her and she took it with gloved hands.
The officer looked through it seeing the photo that he had taken.

"I'm going to need to keep this to check it for fingerprints, Is that okay?"

I don't think I really have a choice in the matter, but I don't mind giving up my phone if it means we have a chance of finding him.
"Sure, That's fine with me."

She placed it into a see through bag and zipped it up.
"That's all we need for now.. But please let us know if anything comes up.
You have my direct number."

"I will, Thank You."

She walked towards the door and we followed.
Officer Roberts turned around and looked at me."You should think about staying with family for now,
It's best not to be alone with this guy out there."

"She can stay with me."

I looked at Gray."Are you sure?"

"Positive, I'm your security so it makes sense.
I told you I wasn't letting you out of my sight and I meant it."

"That's settled than."Officer Roberts opened the door to my apartment.
"I'll be in touch."

Officer Roberts left and it was just me and Gray.
I looked around my apartment hating where I was.. I was getting chills up my spine just thinking about it.

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