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My Mom and I were having a rare Girlie day of shopping and dinner. But I'm guessing she wants to talk about my Dad.
I haven't talked to him since I left him in the restaurant that day, now that they're together I'm sure she's going to have a problem with that.

I looked across at Gray as he drove, looking extremely hot in his shirt and suit.
He was dropping me off to meet my Mom before going to work and I was already missing him.

"You're staring, Layne."He smirked.

"I can't help it. I want to look at your gorgeous face as much as I can before you leave."

He glanced over at me."At least you have the memories of last night fresh in your mind."

I chuckled."And this morning."

The memories of our wild night last night will have to keep me going until I see him tonight..Or tomorrow.
I got so used to having him around me all the time, that I've been finding it so weird being alone.
I didn't want to tell him that though..I didn't want to be that clingy Girlfriend.

"I should be back later this evening, I can bring you dinner.
Your favourite sweet and sour chicken."

He knows the way to my heart."That's sweet of you. I'll make sure to have on some kinky underwear for you to take off."

He chuckled."I had hoped you would say something like that, Red would be nice."
He glanced over at me."Red looks good on you."

Doesn't that work out great since I've the perfect matching red set at home in my dresser.
It's brand new and he hasn't even seen it before.

"I have some red one's I think you might like."I extended my hand across the space between us and rubbed his shoulder."I'm going to make you take them off with your teeth,just to build the tension."

Gray shook his head,with a grin on his face."Oh Boy!! It looks like we're in for quite a night.

Gray pulled up into a parking space outside the mall. My Mom had already texted to tell me where to meet her,I just really hope she doesn't try to surprise me by bringing my Dad along.
That would be SO my Mother to do something like that.

"So I'll see you tonight."

I grinned at him,as I unbuckled my seat belt."I'll be waiting in Red."

He chuckled."Well don't expect me to let you eat first..Because there is no chance of that happening."
He moved across the space between us."Love You!!"

"Love You, Too."

I stepped out of his car and watched him drive away, looking seriously hot and leaving me wanting.
I'm so in Love with that man it drives me insane.


I was shopping with my Mom and of course the topic was my Dad.
They're back together and happy, like nothing never happened. Hearing it was like torture to my ears.
Of course I'm happy that my Mom is happy again after so long, but I was finding it hard to trust my Dad.

"What do you think?"She asked, holding up a tight fitted long sleeved dress to show me.

"Yeah, It's nice. Dad likes Blue."

I guess I just felt like I had to get that last part in there, she wasn't buying the dress for her she was buying it to impress him.
Was it a ploy just to keep him interested? Maybe with a sexy new dress he wouldn't turn his head to a younger woman.

She sighed."I know you're not happy about us,Sweetheart. It's obvious you're still holding onto this with both hands."

I picked a cute bra from the racking to have a closer look."I just don't want him hurting you again.
I saw what it did to you the last time."

"We're over that now. Your father and I have had a couple of rough years, some of that we were barely on speaking terms.
Yes,He made a mistake.But now we're stronger than we ever were."

I released a long drawn sigh of frustration,"I don't know what you want me to say, Mom."

"Talking to him would be a start?"

Her pain was my pain and I was still feeling that pain for her.
I don't know what I would even say to my Dad if I saw him.

I shrugged my shoulders."I'll think about it."

My phone rang in my bag and I pulled it out, it was a call from an unknown number but I answered it anyway.

"Hello.."I said, and waited for a reply but didn't get one.
"Hello.."again no reply, just breathing on the other end before the call cut out.

"Wrong number?"My Mom asked.

"I guess so, Just some light breathing on the other end. I really have to change my number soon."

I picked up a matching bra and panties set to bring with me and we moved along to another part of the store.

"How are things with Gray?"

I smiled."We're really good,He's working a lot now so I miss him when he's gone.
When he's in town he spends every night at my apartment, but that's exactly how I want it."

By the inquisitive look on her face I knew it was time for Q&A. She's going to ask me every question under the sun.

"You should think about moving in together, it would save money on rent and you would have more time as a couple.
What do you think?"

I shrugged my shoulders."I don't know,Mom.
I think it's a little soon for that,I might just wait until he brings it up."

Of course living with Gray was something that I've been thinking about,pretty much since the start of our relationship.
I just want to be with him, wash his clothes and cook his meals.
When the time is right we'll do it, until then I'm not bringing it up.


I was at home alone waiting for Gray to get in, he texted just a few minutes earlier to let me know he wouldn't be long.

I opened the top drawer of my dresser so I could put on that sexy red lingerie for when he gets here.
It was on the very top of my pile before I left this morning and now it was gone.

"What the hell!!"

Did I put it somewhere and just not remember..
No..No..It was here this morning, I didn't move it.

I walked down the hallway of my apartment and into the living room when my phone rang.
I pulled it out of the pocket of my cardigan and saw the unknown number on the screen again.

"Hello..Hello.."I said,but again didn't hear anything but the heavy breathing on the other end."Who is this?"

"SOON!!"The voice whispered over the line.

I hung up the phone quickly with a fright. My whole body was on pins and needles.
I knew the Guy they caught wasn't my Stalker, he's still out there.

"Babe, I'm home."Gray called, as he walked in the front door with a bag of Chinese takeout."I hope you're wearing that sexy red underwear."
He looked at me and immediately sensed something was wrong."What's wrong?"

"My Stalker..He stole my underwear from my drawer and then he called me."I handed Gray my phone.
"He told me he was coming for me soon."

Gray looked down and scrolled through my phone."There's nothing here,Layne."

I took the phone from his hand and saw that the incoming calls were gone, it was like it never happened.
I looked up at Gray."He called me, I swear he did."

Gray took me into his arms."I believe you."

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