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I walked into the Garden restaurant 45 minutes late.
I noticed my Dad sitting at a table alone, holding an empty wine glass between his hands. He looked so miserable.

Serves him right though, Doesn't it?

Ugh,I don't know anymore. How long can I really stay mad at the man.
Like Gray said, He is my Dad..Nothing is ever going to change that.

"Layney."He called my name from a few tables down.
My Dad smiled and stood up from his seat as I walked in his direction.
"I'm so glad you came,Sweetheart."

"I almost didn't."I replied,as I pulled out my chair and sat down.
I picked up the opened wine bottle that was in the middle of the table."Can I have some of this?"

"Help yourself."

I poured wine into my glass, picked it up immediately and drank half.
It was needed if I was going to get through this dinner.

We sat opposite each other browsing through our menu.
I was hiding my glass behind mine, drinking more and more wine without judgement from my Dad.

"How about the Steak, Sweetheart?"

"No thanks."

He looked up from his menu."You're not on one of your diets again,Are you?"

I sighed."No, Dad. I'm not."

"Well good,Because you know you're fine as you are,Layne. You always have been."
He smiled at me."Let's order then."

Twenty minutes later my Dad and I were enjoying our meal over small talk.
Well it was more like he was talking about life and I was sitting in silence.

"I've been trying to get in touch with you for awhile.
Your mother told me about what's going on with the stalker. How are you doing?"He asked.

"I'm fine, Dad."I muttered, rolling my eyes with attitude.
I couldn't help it, I was now a little tipsy and even more vocal about my feelings.

"We should probably talk about your mother and I.
It's quite clear that you're still upset about what happened."

I set my glass back down on the table after taking a drink.
"You mean after you cheated on her?"

He sighed."I made a mistake."

I scoffed."A mistake, You had an affair for a year.
In all of that time you didn't even realise that you were doing something wrong, until you were caught."

"Marriage is difficult at times, Layne.You'll realise that when it's your turn."

Marriage is difficult at times..That's the excuse he gives me.
No matter how hard things are you have two choices, Face it together or you split up.
You don't cheat and betray over 30 years of trust.

"That's a bullshit excuse and you know it. I would never do what you did..That's not Love.
You ruined our family."I said,raising my voice a little.
I was trying not to draw attention to us.

"I can't take it back..I wish I could."

"No,You can't take it back.You'll just have to live with it now."
I emptied my glass not wanting to waste good wine."I'm done with this conversation."

"What are you doing, sweetheart?"He asked, as I stood up from my seat.

"Leaving."I picked up my coat from the back of my chair and turned to looked at him."Bye,Dad."

"Layne Elizabeth Brennan, Don't you dare walk away from me.
I am your Father for Christ's Sake."

"Watch me."

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