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Gray, Deon and I were having breakfast in the kitchen, while we chatted.
Mostly about the texts that Deon and Imogen exchanged the night before.

Supposedly the two of them have been up the whole night chatting.
Deon seemed excited with plans to meet up with her later today.
Imogen will definitely owe me one for this.

The mood was high between Gray and I after a night filled with hot sex and finally getting our feelings out in the open.
The man that I've always had a thing for Loves me.

"Pass that milk, Babe!"Gray asked, as he filled coffee cups for three with water.

"Here you go."I placed the milk beside him, while my eyes were constantly watching his every little movement.

Deon chuckled, at the island sitting in front of a bowl of cereal."Such a Perv!!"

I looked at him and smirked."I'm not a perv if the man is mine.
I like admiring the view.He has a great ass.

Gray turned around and set our coffee's on the island counter top.
"I knew you had a thing for asses,Layne."
He winked at me."I do too."

I hope that wasn't him suggesting anal because that ain't happening.
Nothing is going near that area.

"So Deon,Where are you meeting Imogen later?"I asked.

"At a hotel called Stanley's..And before you even jump to conclusions were just having lunch.
There will be no romping of any kind."

Gray chuckled, bringing his coffee cup to his mouth.
"Hmm, I guess we'll see."

My phone rang on the island and I picked it up seeing it was a call from Officer Roberts.
I walked to the sitting area to answer it, while the guys continued on with their conversation.




"Hi Layne, It's Officer Roberts. I have some very good news for you."

I sat down on the edge of the couch wondering what could it be.
Perhaps they've caught my stalker..Or at least have some idea of who he might be.
"What news?"

"We've caught the Guy, late last night we got a tip.
There was evidence in his apartment that linked him to this."

They've caught him, obviously I had hoped for this..But I really didn't think it would happen.

"You caught him..I can't believe it."I smiled, looking towards the guys in the kitchen.

"I was hoping you would come down to the station to have a look at the guy, maybe you could have been in contact with him at some point."

I stood from the chair."Okay, I'll be down soon."

"See you then, Layne."



The guys had their eyes on me when I hung up the phone.
They stood waiting on me to explain.

Gray walked around the island still holding his coffee cup."What's going on?"

"They caught him."

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