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"just keep your head low." he whispered to me as he pulled a mask over his face, walking to the side of the casino, waiting against the wall.

i hid under my hood as me and namjoon continuously looked around us, hoping we were safe here.

i tucked my hands into my pockets as namjoon's tall figure stood next to me. he was tapping his foot rapidly on the ground as we waited.

"where the hell is she?" he scoffed.

a few more minutes passed before we heard a small whistle. ara came jogging up to us, a small yellow envelope in her hands.

"here, hurry and take it." she said as she handed the envelope to namjoon. he opened the envelope, looking inside to reveal a stack of money.

"thanks sis." he smiled, giving her a hug. "who's this?" she looked at me.

i pulled down my mask and slipped my hood off, she gasped when she saw me, "w-what are you doing here? how do you know him?"

"i found out about who he is a long time ago." i said. she sighed, "then you understand why-"

i nodded, "i do."

she gave me a small smile, "so then i assume he knows what you're going to do."

i furrowed my eyebrows. "seokjin told me after jaeyoon's death. it makes a lot of sense now."

i sighed, "he knows."

she looked behind her to make sure no one was coming, "alright, you guys need to go now, the casino isn't the best place to be at night."

we nodded, waving as we quickly walked away from the casino. as we got farther away from the casino, namjoon grabbed my hand, pulling his mask down.

"so, do you wanna get something to eat?" he asked. i smiled as i looked down at our hands, clenching his tighter.

"anything is fine." i replied. he hummed, "i'm thinking burgers, maybe pizza."

i laughed as he named our more foods, then choosing another.

he sat across from me as we enjoyed pastries and some coffee. the warm scent and his smile made everything comfortable for me.

"callista, can i ask you something?" i hated how my stomach would flutter everytime he said my name.

"okay." i answered. "d-did...you like the kiss?" he asked nervously. "i just wanna say i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable-"

"no," i scoffed. "you didn't do anything wrong."

"it's just been a few days since we've talked about it, so i didn't know..." he sighed.

i laughed, "you are too much of a gentleman, i don't understand how you're related to jaemyung."

"sometimes i don't understand either," he sighed. "but i mean, i guess i'd be angry if i had a son that didn't want to handle the business."

"really? you didn't want to be ceo?" i asked.

"nope, it never interested me, the work that my father did. the things he did and was involved with. i'm even scared for seokjin to take on the job," he said.

"you said your dad was the ceo, why didn't you take his place?"

"because i wanted to kill the people that caused my parents' deaths. being a ceo didn't matter to me, so i gave the job to my cousin, jimin, because i knew he'd probably do a better job than me."

"hm, then i guess we're not so different." he chuckled.

"no, we're different. i don't think you kill people as a regular thing," i laughed. "you have humanity, you feel remorse."

"you have humanity. if you didn't i don't think you'd have any feelings for me," he stopped as he looked at me. "y-you do have feelings for me...right?"

i've always avoided that. it scared me, to feel that way for a person. because if something happened to namjoon, i'd be the same way i am with jimin.

i sighed, "do you want the truth or the lie?"

he rubbed his lips together, his dimples appearing for a second before looking at me.

"because if i tell you the truth, you could be in danger. and if i lie, then you know it's to protect you..." i added.

he tried holding his smile back, failing miserably. "well then, it's you and me against the world, callista." he said as he ate a piece of his cake.

i pursed my lips, still wondering if he was really serious about this. he had to know what he was getting himself into.

he chuckled lightly as he noticed i was still skeptical, so he grabbed my hand and planted a kiss on my hand, slowly caressing his thumb over my skin.

even the slightest thing like that made me calm.


lmaooo so i was supposed to do work this weekend and i got absolutely nothing done

don't stop me now~ ♡


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