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"are you sure you don't need backup? i can send some people down there for you..." jimin suggested.

"no, i'm okay. i've done this a million times." i chuckled lightly as i checked the knife under my skirt.

"please be careful cal..." he sighed. i smiled, "i will jimin. i'll talk to you later."

i had been sitting outside his house for ten minutes now, waiting for the girl to show.

i took a deep breath once i saw a car pull up, driving away as soon as the prostitute exited the car. i got out of the car, walking up quickly to the door.

"hey, wait," i said. she looked at me surprised, worried because she thought i would cause trouble. "why don't you take the night off?"

she furrowed her eyebrows, "what?"

i sighed, "come on honey, get out while you still can. i'll handle this one."

she looked at me confused, hesitant to walk off the doorstep. i signaled her to leave, and she did, walking off into the darkness.

i grabbed on the doorknob, hoping this idiot would have his door unlocked. which it was.

i walked into the house quietly. i heard faint music coming from the living room, and cigar smoke floated in the air.

i snuck into the living room, watching as jaeyoon snorted a line, sniffing viciously as he wiped the excess powder off his nose.

i took the knife out from my garter, holding it firmly in my hand as i snuck up behind him. if he was cranked, he'd be weakened.

i slipped an arm over him, caressing his chest and nibbling on his earlobe. he exhaled in pleasure, throwing his head back onto my shoulder.

he grabbed onto my forearm, his thumb caressing my skin as he gulped.

"what are you thinking about?" i whispered. he chuckled deeply.

i raised the knife, stabbing him in his chest and twisting the blade. he gasped in pain, he had caught me off guard as he threw his arm back, hitting me in the mouth.

i groaned, grabbing onto my lip as i stumbled backwards. he stood up from the couch, clenching his teeth as he removed the knife from his chest. the blood slipped through his fingers as he clenched the wound.

"you bitch!" he yelled as he stomped towards me, grabbing onto my shoulders.

i struggled to escape from his grip as he gripped onto me tighter. he put me in a choke hold, he struggled and grunted everytime i moved.

i kicked my legs as he dragged me like a rag doll. "you need to get the fuck down here!" he yelled through a phone. "some bitch tried to-"

he groaned as i elbowed his side with a strong force. his grip around my neck weakened before i elbowed him again.

i put pressure on the wound in his chest, which caused him to scream in pain. i picked up the phone, to see he was on the phone with jaemyung.

"jaeyoon-ah! what the hell is going on?" he yelled through the phone.

i held the phone in my hand, kicking jaeyoon in the chest hard, causing him to fall back on the floor. i put my foot on his chest, holding him down.

"any last words asshole?" i whispered to jaeyoon. i held the phone close to jaeyoon, "get over here now jaemyung!"

i grinned as i held the phone up to my ear. "if you do anything you're dead!" jaemyung shouted. "i know who you are! when i find you, i'll kill you stupid slut!"

i laughed, "good luck."

i hung up the phone, throwing it across the room and stomping onto jaeyoon's chest. he grabbed my leg, pulling me onto the floor.

i gritted my teeth as i fought with him, i glanced at my knife that was on the floor.

he pinned me on the floor, hitting me across the face. "when they catch you, you're dead!" he yelled. i threw my head forward, breaking his nose.

i got up onto my feet, grabbing my knife quickly. the blood spurted from his nose as he arose to his feet.

i slipped behind him, fisting his hair as i sliced his throat open. he coughed, the blood pouring from his neck. his hands were shaking as he clenched onto his throat.

his body slowly collapsed onto the floor as the loss of blood began to take his life. within seconds he was dead, his blood continued to pour out onto the marble floor.

i was panting. i touched my lip, wincing. i looked at my finger which had a drop of blood. i looked on my clothes and face, his blood on my clothes.

i pulled out my phone, dialing jimin's number.


i heaved a breath, "it's done."

i heard him gasp slightly before i ended the call.

i dipped my finger in the pool of blood and drew a heart on the floor, with an arrow going through it.

along with "living dead girl" written in cursive.


have a great day ♡


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