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"i need info on oh jaeyoon." i said as i walked into the office.

"oh jaeyoon...why?" minho asked. song minho, he was like my father's right hand man, he's worked for the company for years. almost like a second father to me.

"minho," i sighed. "just look him up, yeah?"

he sighed, turning in his chair and typing fast in his computer.

"still committing crimes, callista?" he asked as he typed. i crossed my arms as i watched the computer screen, "that's none of your business..."

he scoffed, "it is my business. i'm supposed to watch after you."

"i'm an adult-"

"but you aren't acting like one," the air grew thick with silence. "they're looking for you, callista."

"but they don't know it's me, do they? i already had this talk with jimin and i'm sure as hell not going to have it with you either." i said.

he shook his head. he took a piece of paper from the printer and handed it to me, "here. this is all his information."

i scanned the paper, "wow this man is rich..."

"yeah, and a drug addict." he added. "what?"

"he's been charged with possession of drugs and prostitution. because of his money, that information has been wiped from the system."

i scoffed, "you're kidding...does he still get prostitutes?"

"as far as i know, yes." he nodded. "where? how?"

"from sex traffickers."

my eyes widened and i laughed, "minho, do you happen to know more to that part?"

"perhaps, why?"

"because i have an idea. i need that number." i smiled. he shook his head, "no, no way am i getting you involved with sex traffickers."

"minho, i know what i'm doing, trust me." i scoffed. "no you don't know what you're doing," he snapped.

"you're getting involved with these dangerous people, you have no idea what they're capable of. you've killed, god knows how many men, and you don't even care that kim will kill you."

"exactly," i shrugged. "i don't care if they kill me because they never will. they'll be dead before they even lay a finger on me. number. thank you."

he clicked his tongue, exhaling deeply as he wrote down the number on the paper he had handed me.

"you do realize that you're killing a very important man, right?"

i laughed, "he's no where close to important. look at all the shit he's done and still does. no one will miss him."

"is jimin aware?" he asked. "yes he is. he's the one that gave me the name."

"jimin gave you oh jaeyoon's name?" he cocked an eyebrow.

"yeah, jimin wants this to end as much as you want it to. he gave me the name so i could hurry up and get the job done,"

i sighed as i folded the paper, putting it in my pocket. "i'm also going to need jaeyoon's call log."

he groaned as he spun around to face the computer, typing more. "he called yesterday, at 8:37 pm."

"okay, can you listen to the call?" i asked. he sighed, "callista, you know that part is the hardest to get to..."

"minho i know you can do it." i said. he sighed as he began to type more. clicking and typing, clicking and typing.

"he called for a girl named, soo-ah," he said. "she's supposed to come by this weekend at 10:30."

"this weekend," i scoffed. "that gives me no time at all..."

"callista, i know you can do it." he mocked. i rolled my eyes, "i have to go now. thank you, minho."

he rolled his eyes, waving his head, "get outta here."

i giggled as i walked out his office, walking out the building and planning how i'm going to do this in only a week.


i don't really know how all this crap works so i just winged the part where he was looking up the guy's information lmao

have a beautiful day ♡


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