Chapter eleven

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Monday morning, I suddenly loved Monday mornings. I had stayed up 'till late to plan our date into detail. It just had to be perfect.

I could not wait for school to be over. Excitement filled my body and butterflies fluttered through my stomach if I only thought about Mia or our date.

It was strange how different things were in comparison with a week ago. Nora was no longer on the ICU, Mia finally talked to me and even confessed that she had some feelings for me. The part I was most proud of, was that I said what I wanted.

And now Mia and I were actually going on a date. If you would have told me this would happen a couple of months ago, I would have laughed at you. I could have never imagined that this is how things would turn out.

I am happy it did turn out this way.

Before our date, I had some other things too take care of. The dance was not far away from now and there was still so much I had to fix. The rest of the committee sucked, so I had to do most of the work.

I planned a meeting for the committee during our lunch break, so we could talk to the principal about everything.

I walked to the principal's office and somehow I felt nervous. Usually, you only go there if you're in trouble, not to talk about a party.

Of course, I was the first one to show up and the rest of the group was late. The principal and I started talking about the things we still had to manage. I had to find the perfect decoration, we had to design posters and tickets and much more.

After ten minutes into the meeting, some others finally decided to show their faces and help me organise this thing. It wasn't like I had nothing to do in my free time and that I absolutely loved doing all the work. I signed up for helping with the decoration, not for planning the entire party.

"Harper, are you done with picking the decoration?" Thomas, one of the members of the committee, asked.

"If you had been here on time," the principal started, "you would have known that Harper is working on it, just like she is working on all the other stuff that should have been done by you guys."

Damn, I knew our principal was great but I never expected him to put Thomas in his place like this.

The only thing Thomas could do was mumble "yeah sorry".

The rest of the meeting went by pretty smoothly. We made a division of the tasks. I had to take care of the decorations, Thomas was in charge of designing the posters and tickets and Lilly, another girl, had to stay in touch with the DJ about the music so the music would fit the theme.

Last year the DJ decided to play some weird rap music, while the theme was Winter Wonderland. I really didn't want that to happen again.

I wanted those cheesy christmas songs like 'Last Christmas' to be played. And some slow dance songs.

Maybe this year I will be slow dancing with Mia.

Thinking of Mia brought new butterflies into my stomach. I was so into her, there was no way of denying that.

To be fair, the chances that Mia wanted to dance with me were low. She was so afraid people would find out that she was (also?) into girls, she would probably never dance with me in public.

I was still a bit confused about Mia. Not about my feelings for her, which were pretty obvious, but about her sexuality. Was she into girls and boys, only into girls, or was I just an exception?

You know what, it wasn't my place to question her sexuality and it didn't even matter. What mattered is that she has some kind of romantic feelings for me and that's all I needed right now.

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