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After this incident, Sandra felt as if she had willingly cheated on Brian and so she had already forgiven him but was waiting for him to forgive her. When Brian came to know about the whole situation, he was surprisingly calm. Sandra was happy that he had gotten one of the most understanding men ever. As much as she felt safe in the vicinity of Brian, she still felt ashamed to go out of the house.

Brian used to run all the errands and Sandra had taken sick leave from college. It had been a couple of days since the incident when Brian came home angry as a bull that had just saw red.

'What happened, Brian?'

Brian had started crying. It was almost that he was sorry for something. Sandra ran towards him to console him when she saw that Brian was holding a piece of paper all crumpled up as if he crushed it with his hand.

'What's this in your hand?'

'You don't want to read it. You won't be able to handle this.'

Sandra was taken aback. Now she wanted to read that paper more than ever. What can be there which Brian thought she can't handle because she had gone through some very traumatic events which she had handled pretty well.

She pulled the paper from Brian's hands and Brian reluctantly gave it away. She had to read it, after all.

Sandra was completely unprepared for what was written. She had not thought in her wildest dreams that she would ever read this. Every word felt heavier than a boulder crushing her shoulder. This can't be real. It was true that Sandra hadn't talked with Steve since a long time but getting this from him was just unbelievable. She had always considered him as a person who respected women.

'Where did you get this?' Sandra asked.

Brian just stood there extremely angry and sobbing.

'Brian,' Sandra shouted, 'I asked, where did you find this?'

'It was handed to me personally by him. I read it and became so angry that I confronted him. But he is stronger than me and so he just slapped the hell out of me.'

Sandra could see that Brian's cheeks had turned red as if someone had hit him repeatedly. She was so angry that she thought she would just blow up. First Sean and then Steve.

'We should go to the cops. He has to be reported.'

Brian was dumbstruck. If police came in the scene, his plan won't work. Police can't be involved.

'If police comes in the action, they'll want to know everything that happened to you. And if that happens, the whole Grestown would know about that incident and Steve would be successful in ruining your image. Do you really want that sleaze ball to be successful?' Brian was quick on his feet.

Sandra started thinking. She obviously didn't want that to happen. But she can't still live at a place where criminals roam around freely. What she said took a lot of courage for her because she was fed up with this life and she had to give up her biggest dream because of some jerk.

But she was unaware that someone else also had to give up his only dream because of some jerk.

'I think we should get out of Grestown. I can't live at this wretched place anymore,' she was trembling as she said the next words, 'I don't want to complete my education. I am fed up of this place. If you don't want to go with me, I understand but I need to get away from all of this.'

'Obviously, I'll follow you to the grave.' Brian hugged her tight.

'And I don't want ANYONE to know where we are going to go.'

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