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'I am sorry to hear it, Steve.' John sighed. He had never seen Steve so sad earlier. But the news was devastating. No one had expected this and no one from their class could accept it now.

It was second year of college. There was not much going in college. The exams had some time to go and the college fest had just ended. In the college fest, everyone were shocked to see Sandra and a senior, whom many girls knew as Brian but was hardly known by any of the other guys, together in the dance event at the college fest.

A week before that, John had asked Steve to participate in the dance program with Sandra. This way, they could get back together as close as they were before the failed proposal of Steve. But Steve knew his weaknesses. He could become CR even if it was a bit difficult. But dance was beyond his scope of expertise. He knew that nothing could convince him otherwise. John knew that too but he wanted what seemed to be best for Steve. He had a date for the dance event but Steve was still not over Sandra and so he had made a perfect plan to get them back together.

'Steve, listen to me. I talked to Sandra already. The ball dance is not so difficult after all. You can take classes for it. You just have to ask her now.' John was not going to give up so easily.

'I think you know what happened last time when I asked her. I don't want to ask her anything again. And I definitely don't want to dance.'

'See, the MC will definitely play a slow love song at the end of night. You can hold her in your arm and it would be perfect.' John was painting a beautiful picture in front of Steve.

Steve couldn't help but envisage how amazing that feeling would be. But then suddenly the image of him dancing came in his mind and he dismissed the previous thought.

'No. I don't want to be the one who keeps on requesting her. If she wants the same, she would ask me.' Steve had apparently made a decision. Last time, she didn't just reject him but spread the news all over the college. He remembered the insult he faced when he had met Kyle. No. it won't happen again.

'You'd hold her in your arms and when the song is slow and the lights are dim, you'd look at her and see her beautiful face. A wisp of hair would be on her face. You will look it and gently caress her face and put the wisp behind her ear and she will smile at you.'

It was no doubt John would be a wonderful story teller. Whatever John narrated seemed too good to be true and Steve knew it. He was on the verge of calling Sandra to ask her out for the dance event. At that moment, the bell for the lecture rang and he knew that he was saved.

The day of the dance event came and Steve didn't attend the party. He was not interested in it. He had no date as Sandra never asked him. But he had no regrets. It was his choice to not go to the event. He just laid there in his bed reading a novel. And just wondered if what John said would have come true, how amazing that would have been.


The college was well decorated. The first year students were the organizers since they had the least pressure of studies at that time.

The main assembly hall was decided as the venue in the beginning. The students had not imagined that so many couples would be enrolled for the event. And so the assembly hall was not big enough to hold the event. There had to be speakers, music system, disco ball and so much. The assemble hall was enough for only fifty to sixty couples. The number of couples registered came to a staggering amount of 150.

The organizers had to make all the arrangements again. The only hall which was bigger than the assembly hall was the conference hall, where exams were taken.

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