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'So I announce that you may choose your class representatives. They should be intelligent, confident, straight forward and good. Most importantly, they should be someone whom you see fit to be your leader. Now remember there should be one boy and one girl. So it is up to you to select them.' Professor Trenton, the economics professor announced.

It had been two months since the beginning of the college. Everyone had started to know each other quite well. In the first few tests, everyone came to know that Steve was not made for this type of childish exams. Even though he hardly talked with any students, everyone knew that he was a great help when in need. Everyone respected him, if not liked him.

John, who was one of Steve's best friends, suggested him to stand for being the CR.

'You can, Steve. Just go for it. I know that 99% students will give vote for you. And even the teachers know you. You check all the boxes that Mr. Trenton said. You are the best person to be our class representative.'

'I don't know. I can become CR but you know that I am not the most talkative person in the class? What if I fail miserably in this job? I don't want to end up being embarrassed in front of the whole class. That is the last thing I want.'

'You aren't that bad. You aren't talkative but you sure know how to talk. Besides, in situations where you can't be of help, you can always ask for help from the other CR.' John was one of the few people Steve was frank to. So he knew what to tell Steve so that he would agree to this.

'You know right that Sandra is going to stand as the other CR and she is going to win by almost 100% margin?' John knew he didn't have to say anything else to convince Steve.

It was clear that Steve had started liking Sandra since past one and a half month. And Sandra talked to him quite nicely which made everyone in the college jealous of Steve. After all, beauty is something people are envious of more than intelligence. Steve was rakishly handsome but not someone on whom girls would take one look at and go crazy. He had a normal physique and he exercised for Basketball but not too much so as to have packs or abs. He believed that physique is important just to not look like a slob but brain is the organ which would help him fulfill his dream - his dream of completing his masters in one of the Ivy League colleges.

'Alright, if Sandra is also going to run for the CR, so am I. After all, I can't leave the chance of being with her.' Steve and John broke in a laugh. At the same time, Sandra came to talk to Steve.

'I guess I should leave you two life partners alone. I mean CR partners. Slip of tongue.' John whispered to Steve and went away laughing.

'What was he talking about? Did I come at the wrong time?' Sandra asked.

'Nah, nothing important. He was just being an ass. Forget about him. What's up?'

'I was wondering if you are going to run for CR.'

'I don't know yet. What about you?'

'I don't either.'

'Oh, the two future CRs are already getting acquainted with each other! Please decide some strategy to give more break time and less of that wretched Psychology subject,' Aisha came sprinting towards them.

'Psychology is based on scientific research and principles involving variety of human behavior and observation,' Aisha screeched in a very high voice imitating Ms.Perry.

Both Steve and Sandra started laughing loudly. The high pitch voice made the imitation apt and funny.

'How can anyone be awake when someone is boring you to death?' It was clear that Aisha hated the subject.

'I'd think about it, Aisha if I became the representative,' Sandra paused, 'wait a minute, what do you mean by two CRs?'

'Well, you told me that you would stand for the position only if Steve would and just now John told me that he is going to. Thus, you would too, right?'

'Now that's interesting. Aisha, can you leave us alone for a minute? I would like to talk to the future CR.' Steve winked at Aisha and she understood.

'I thought you hadn't decided. But just now Aisha said that you had certain conditions to run for the position. I am impressed.' Steve was just pulling her leg at this point.

Sandra was confused why someone so introvert as Steve had agreed for the position without her having to convince him yet. Little did she know that Steve had the same condition as she had. But now she was embarrassed that Aisha spilled her secret so casually. This mixed emotion made her look down to the ground.

Steve was just grinning and looking at her. It might have been one of the cutest faces he had ever seen and in that moment he knew that she was someone special to him.

A week later the CRs were selected. The result was as expected.

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