12|I'll See You in The Stars

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12|I'll See You In The Stars⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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12|I'll See You In The Stars
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Louisa woke up in an unusual manner. For starters, there were bandages on her head, Peter was sitting on a chair next to her bed, but the most unusual thing was that it was completely quiet. No hum of the ship around them, no breathing from Peter, no rustling of the bedsheets as she got up, nothing.

There was only silence.

Peter moved and sat on her bed as Louisa sat up, clutching her head. She felt like she had a bad hangover "Dad?" Her voice was too quiet, at least to her, to Peter it was a normal speaking volume "Hey." Louisa frowned even more, she saw his lips move, but there was no sound.

Only silence.

Peter grabbed something from her bedside table. It was a hologram screen, with words that were projected on it.

Hey Lou, I don't really know how to write this.
I just.....Lou, an explosion at the battle caused you to loose a
large percentage of your hearing. I'm so sorry.

Louisa's eyes watered a bit and her lip quivered. There she was, 14 year old hybrid girl who had weird dreams, had an incredible talent for science and inventing, who knew every song from her dad's mixtapes and her iPod, who could sing along to more songs than most people could name, who would dance whenever she heard a nice rhythm. No, Louisa Meredith Quill couldn't bear the thought of her not being able to hear.

It would mean no more obnoxious loud sneezes from her dad, no more sassy remarks from Gamora, no more groans from Rocket, no more 'Daw Daw Daw' and 'I am Groot', no more of Drax' ridiculous laughter, no more of Mantis' squeals, no more of Yondu's husky voice, no more of Kragiln's odd accent, no more music and no more screams from the ever clumsy Ethan.

"Come here." Peter wrapped his arms tightly around Louisa, who accepted the hug great fully. Louisa may be a tech genius, she may be able to make a perfect hearing aid for her in no time, but she shouldn't have to. She was barley a teenager who had saved the galaxy twice already. No one deserved to loose something as precious as their hearing like Louisa had.

After a little while Peter left, he had explained more of what had happened, including Yondu's sacrifice, which did not help. And Louisa was left alone in the room once more. The girl had whipped up her watch, she couldn't stand silence.

No, she needed to make herself a good pair of hearing aids.

Ethan slowly crept into the room. He could see Louisa sitting there, already making designs for hearing aids. Louisa looked up as she saw him in the doorway.

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