10|A Whole New World

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10|A Whole New World⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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10|A Whole New World
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"Welcome, everyone, to my world." Ego spread out his arms as the group flew out of the white ship. They stood on a big white chariot which floated through the air. The vegetation around the planet was lush and stretched out as far as any of them could see.

"Wow. You have your own planet?" Peter asked in aww, taking his headset off "Come on. No larger than your Earth's Moon." Ego said "Humility. I like it. I, too, am extraordinarily humble." Drax boasted, looking around.

The group walked off the chariot and made their way to what appeared to be a castle "You own a planet and can destroy two dozen spaceships without a suit. What are you exactly?" Gamora asked, her eyes locked on Ego for answers "I'm what's called a Celestial, sweetheart." Ego explained, a smile on his features. Louisa listened while she looked at a fountain which spun around in elegance.

"A Celestial, like a god?" Peter questioned, frowning at his father "Mmm, small "g," son. At least on the days I'm feeling humble as Drax." They made their way into the castle before Ego continued speaking "I don't know where I came from exactly. First thing I remember is flickering... adrift in the cosmos utterly... and entirely alone." Egg like shaped objects projected images as he told his story. The first image appeared to be a flickering blue brain in the cosmos "Over millions of years... I learned to control the molecules around me. I grew smarter and stronger. And I continued building from there... layer by layer... the very planet you walk on now." The brain slowly turned into a planet before Ego continued walking, Louisa dragging the dumbfounded Ethan behind her "But I wanted more. I desired... meaning. "There must be some life out there in the universe... besides just me," I thought. And so, I set myself the task of finding it. I created... what I imagined biological life to be like... down to the most minute detail." An image formed of life forms and eventually what seemed to be a younger version of Ego's body.

"Did you make a penis?" Drax suddenly asked, looking at the image "Dude!" Peter snapped, looking at his friend with wide eyes "What is wrong with you?" Gamora questioned looking at Drax "With that she means, other than we don't already know." Louisa added, causing everyone to roll their eyes at her.

"If he is a planet, how could he make a baby with your mother? He would smush her!" Drax explained, nodding towards Ego and Peter "I don't need to hear how my parents..." Petee trailed off, gripping the bridge of his nose.

"Dad if you ever tell me about how you and Mom did it, I will kill you."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm not gonna."

"Why? My father would tell the story of impregnating my mother every winter solstice." Drax continued "That's disgusting." Peter snapped "It is, my dad would do the same and it mentally scared me for life." Ethan added, and Louisa blindly aimed to tap his shoulder in support, but accidentally slapped him "Sorry."

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