20|Fetch & America's Ass

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20|Fetch & America's Ass⋇⋆✦⋆⋇  ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇

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20|Fetch & America's Ass
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The quantum suits retracted, leaving Steve, Scott, Tony, Louisa and Bruce in their chosen outfits. The group stood on the sidewalk in New York, during the big alien invasion. Which, Rocket and Louisa had pointed out multiple times, would only have lasted minutes had the Avengers blown up the mother ship.

"All right, we all have our assignments. Two Stones uptown, one Stone, down. Stay low. Keep an eye on the clock," Steve spoke, looking at the battlefield. Just then, 2012 Hulk passed by them, slamming into the road before picking up a car and throwing it away.

Bruce covered his face embarrassed while Louisa nodded impressed. "Cool."

Steve turned to look up at the green man."Feel free to smash a few things along the way." Bruce in turn sighted, tearing off his black tank top. "I think it's gratuitous, but whatever." Bruce lightly punched a car, making a teeny tiny dent in the black metal. The doctor growled and threw a motorbike into a wall.

"I'll see you guys there," Louisa called, taking a small disk from the pocket of her leather trousers. She dropped it on the floor and a black hoverboard appeared. The young woman whizzed through the air, red leather coat billowing behind her.

"Got to hustle, Cap. Things look like they're just about wrapped up here. Louisa, get a move on," Tony's voice sounded over the comms. "I'll be there in a flash, old man," Louisa replied, enjoying the feeling of surfing through the air.

Louisa stopped by the tower, hopping off of her hoverboard and creeping into position next to Tony.

Tony from 2012 gestured to Loki. "All right, get him on his feet. We can all stand around posing up a storm later. By the way, feel free to clean up." Louisa grimaced at their tacky suits. "Uh, Mr. Rogers. I almost forgot that that suit did nothing for your ass," Present day Tony commented, eyeing 2012 Steve Roger's arse, which admittedly looked terrible in the suit.

"No one asked you to look, Tony," Present day Steve sighted over the comms. "Well, he ain't wrong," Louisa muttered. "I know right? It's ridiculous," Tony whispered, turning to look at Louisa.

"I think you look great, Cap. As far as I'm concerned, that's America's ass," Tiny Scott piped up, doing a miniature salute.

"Who gets the, uh, magic wand?" Natasha asked, gesturing to Loki's discarded sceptre. Louisa frowned. "Forget your tacky suits, what's with her? Why does she look like she can't even move in that ridiculous suit? And why is it so far unzipped?"

Tiny shrugged. "Blame the guys at S.H.I.E.L.D., I actually made her a new suit now, an Iron Man themed one." Louisa looked at him offended. "Where's my Iron Man themed suit?"

"I thought you hated nanotech?" Tony asked, frowning at her. "I do, but I want options."

"Who are these guys?" Scott interjected, claiming Louisa and Tony's attention. "They are S.H.I.E.L.D....Well, actually Hydra. But, we didn't know that yet...." Tony trailed off, watching as the HYDRA people took the sceptre. "Seriously, you didn't? I mean...they look like bad guys," Scott retorted, gesturing to the men in suits.

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