Falling Apart

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First of all, I'm holding off on my new book because I wasn't happy with it after publishing. I'm thinking about doing something with DabiHawks.


"No, all we know is that neither side knows what's going on."

"No one in that fight could have erased all our memories besides you Hotaru."

"I know, but why? Why would I do that?"

"Do you remember anything?"

"It's strange. Everything is from different perspectives, but... but we're all floating."

"I see."

Compress finished questioning Hotaru for the 100th time. It was no use. Neither heroes nor villains knew where Izuku Midorya or Shigaraki Tomura were. But both knew that the only one that could be behind it was Hotaru.

Everyone looked up from their sulking when Keigo entered the abandoned house.

"Sorry , I've got nothing. I was out for hours, but it's raining now." the alpha said, clearly downcast.

"It's alright birdbrain. We'll find him." Dabi said, leaning his arm on the man's shoulder like an armrest. For once Keigo didn't have it in him to retort. The only success the villains had was recovering the doctor. Otherwise, they had nothing. It had been a week. Japan was big, but not that big. How could no one find the two?

The only lead they had was Hotaru's dreams. Vivid memories. Some from the battlefield, others in alleyways, fields, and a cave. They were so brief, and Hotaru's own mind seemed to try to purge them as soon as they were recovered.

"I think we're out of options really." Keigo was pulled form his thoughts by Hotaru's voice. "There's only one choice."

"It's risky."

"It's stupid."

"But it's all we got."

"I'm afraid so." the girl said. "We're going to break into Tartarus."

Meanwhile, the heroes were also trying their best to find the missing student and villain. All of Class 1A was looking for them. Even Bakugou seemed shaken by his friend's disappearance. However, what no one expected was for Midorya to come to them.

It was late at night when there was a knock on the door. The students were ready to fight, btu what they saw was like nothing they'd seen before.

Midorya stood there, holding an unconscious Shigaraki upright. One of his arms was completely decayed, and he was covered in blood. His right eye looked like it had been nearly scratched out too, and there were bruises coating his body. Shigaraki had the same covering of blood and bruises, as well as a nasty cut in his head bloodying his pale hair.

"He's- he's g-goin to- to to..." Midorya collapsed on the floor.

"Four eyes get Aizawa! Half n' half can you cauterize that head injury. Flat Face use your tape to ptch them up while Shitty Hair gets medical." Bakugou took charge. Surprising, (but no totally unexpected looking back on it) but most definitely needed. Class 1A got to work.

However, halfway across the city they weren't the only ones alerted to the reappearance of the two.

Hotaru shifted uncomfortably in her sleep. She was in a hospital, she know that much. But it was so quiet. Too quiet. Everything was burry and slow. And her head hurt. It hurt so much. A pulsing pain seeping into her brain. She couldn't even move her neck to see the rest of her body.

"He's awake."

"Put him back under again. He's too high risk."

The last thing Hotaru saw was the face of Recovery Girl and mask being put on her face. Her body thrashed, finally moving for once, but it was all for not. Breathing ing the gas everything faded to black.

She bolted up from her sleep. Eyes wide and sweat coating her whole body. She nudged Hawks who was next to her.

"Wake everyone up! It's important!"

"Huh? Wuh uh oookay."

Feathers swirled around the room waking everyone form their slumber.

"Shigaraki is alive. He's at UA right now. If we can get there before any backup does..."

"Alright then. Let's go. It should take all of us about two hours but Hawks-"

"I can get Hotaru there in 30 minutes."

"Then there's no time to lose."

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