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Hotaru did not like this Chisaki guy. Not one bit. She could deal with his high and mighty demeanor, (I mean she had to deal with Shigaraki on a daily basis). She wasn't scared of him either. Though his quirk was strong, but Hotaru was a primarily ranged attacker. Staying off the ground and away from him would be easy. 

It was just the heir he had about him. That determination to do what he wanted. No matter the cost. It was chilling. It was the same feeling she got from he Father whenever he spoke of the number 1 spot. 

Little did Hotaru know, but that wasn't where the parallels ended.

"Oi, you listening?" Hotaru was snapped out of he daze by the return of Shigaraki. He had gone to meet up with Chisaki and talk. "You, Toga, and Twice are gonna be 'helping' out Chisaki and his Yakuza. I want you to keep an eye on him for me."

"Why me?" Hotaru said, the rising air temperature giving away her anger.

"The guy asked for an omega, and I didn't think he'd want Toga. She isn't exactly... safe." Shigaraki responded.

"Oh so we're just giving this guy whatever he wants now?" Hotaru shot back.

"For now, yes. When the opportunity arises however... lets just say that kid's gonna give us the arm he owes." Shigaraki replied.

"Now that's more like it." Hotaru said with a smirk.

The next day the three villains entered the Haissaki hideout to meet with Chisaki. Hotaru still wasn't too thrilled at the idea of playing servant, but she wanted to know more about this operation.

"Hotaru, explain your quirk." the man clothed black behind Chisaki asked. Truth quirk, fantastic she thought.

"I have two quirks. The one I was born with is a fire quirk which allows me to produce fire as well as bend fire that is already present to my will. The second quirk was gifted to me by All For One. It allows me to draw different types of power from the emotional weight of the songs I sing. Some can amplify my other quirk, while others can cause completely different things to happen. It's also possible to heal with it, but I haven't experimented much yet. The only real drawback is that the song has to have an emotional weight that resinates with me. I can't just sing anything. It has to mean something."

"Very interesting. I was told you were the omega I asked for." Chisaki said calmly.

"Yeah packed and ready for shipping just sign right here." Hotaru said, flipping Chisaki off. She was fairly annoyed with being treated as an object.

"You got guts I'll give you that." he replied, releasing alpha pheromones throughout the room in an effort to make Hotaru submit. She just shrugged it off. Between her Father and her brother the house always stank of the smell of alphas.

"Nice try bird beak, but I'm no pushover." Hotaru said.

"Heh, I like you." he said, standing up and motioning for Hotaru to follow him. Hotaru was led down a series of paths and corridors while she was told that she would basically be on house arrest until Chisaki could trust her. Finally the two made their way to a door, which Chisaki opened.

Hotaru was shocked at what she saw.

It was a little girl, an omega, curled up on a bed. She had silvery blue hair and a single horn on one side of her head. Her eyes were beautiful red rubies, but they were laced with pain and suffering. She had bandages trailing down her arms and legs. It was pretty obvious what had been done to her. Hotaru's instincts kicked into overdrive as she rushed to calm the frightened child. She wrapped the girl into a tight hug, and slightly heated herself up so that the girl would be warm. 

"Why?" was all she could say as the girl began to cry.

"Eri is the key to the drugs that have been circling that erase quirks. What if I told you that I could permanently erase someone's quirk?" he said proudly, too proudly.

Hotaru looked down at the girl crying in her arms. She knew pissing Chisaki off would only cause them to be separated. It would only cause the girl more pain. 

I have to get her out of here 

Hotaru though to herself. For now she's just have to fake it.

"I'd say we're in for a bright future." Hotaru replied to Chisaki, giving him the most genuine fake smile she could muster.

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