On Blood-Stained Wings

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WARNING: very dark and angsty ending

Keigo had felt them coming. That was the only advantage they really had. The thousands of vibrations Keigo felt as their running came closer and closer. They'd already been through the matchups. Geten was countered my Cementos. Dabi by Shoto Todoroki. The Ninja and Dargon heroes were more versatile and could cover multiples. 

No, the only true advantage that the villains had lay in Dabi, Keigo, and Twice. Shoto Todoroki was a counter to all three. His ice holding off Dabi and his fire burning Keigo's wings and Twice's clones. But the kid could handle at most two of them at once, and that was unliekly considering they were seasoned adults facing a 16 year-old. 

Mt. Lady might prove a feasible obstacle for Twice, but with enough clones she wouldn't be an issue if Twice played his cards right. Kamui Woods could prove annoying but as long as anyone was in close proximity to Dabi he wouldn't matter too much. It was also possible Twice could fall for one of Ms. Joke's pranks but with Keigo's air support it wouldn't matter. The Tamaki kid from U.A.'s third years also seemed strong but his character would be a considerable weakness. Fatgumb could pose a threat to Twice's clones as well but he'd run out of gas faster than Twice. Midnight was always an annoyance but it was likely she'd stay closer to the kids. 

Other notables Keigo and Hotaru had pinpointed were Denki Kaminari and Hitoshi Shinso from Hotaru's year. Shinso's mind controlling abilities were certainly a voice to be reckoned with, but the villains top tier was unlikely to fall for it. Kaminari's area of effect voltage attacks combined with Midnight's powers could wipe a lot of people off the board to allow the heroes to overwhelm the stronger villains. However, Keigo could use his feather to aid in an evacuation if need be.

Another factor was that Keigo's former work study student Tokoyami might pay a visit. Dark Shadow was something to fear but yet again being close to Dabi's flames would weaken it considerably.

When it all came down to it, teamwork between the League's top members would be most important. And god would Keigo kill to have Hotaru there right now instead of stationed at the hospital. She knew how to handle Dabi's temper, Twice's less than stable mind, and many of the other villains issues and complaints. 

However, it wasn't like the villains were the only ones doing analysis. The heroes knew that if  they could separate the league's top members the rest would crumble. The heroes also knew who the current members of the league were, when the villains had no idea who exactly would be sent to attack them.

Cemetos led the charge, parting the building like a sea. The heroes didn't encounter any of the top members face to face as they barged in. Sure the people that came weren't bad, but they weren't the ones that needed to be taken down. But reassurance of the higher ups presence soon came in the form of red feathers. 

Quick Author's Note: So before we go further I'm going to explain to you why I think Shoto would be with the compound attack squad instead of the hospital backups. (gotta loce my naming abilities) Because the heroes knew Hawks would be at the compound on the side of the villains and Endeavor was already going to the hospital someone needed to combat Hawks' feathers. The solution would be to send in Shoto to use his fire quirk.

They slipped through the lines of heroes easily. The larger ones going for limbs, or at the least tripping people up. Small feathers quickly and neatly slitting throats as they slipped into the crowd. However, as Cementos acutely noticed, the feathers did not go after the kids. All of the students remained unharmed.

As the heroes breached the villain's first line of defence Twice made his appearance. The Sad Man's Parade tore up the battlefield.  What the heroes didn't understand is why he came out now instead of fleeing. They were soon to find out why...

While the heroes began their attack Dabi and Keigo quickly made their way tot he storage room within the confines. Inside were boxes upon boxes of feathers carefully coated in Magnesium, the lightest metal the villains could procure. It had been Hotaru's idea, and it was a multi step process. The feather themselves were still functional and it had been bugging Keigo for days to constantly feel them in a box. But now it was worth it.

Keigo and Dabi stood atop the compound building to look down on the battle. And a battle it was... even if it would soon be over. Only the vary top knew about this, which was why no one was coming out. Compress, Spinner, Toga, none of them could be seen on the battlefield. The real Twice wasn't present either. 100s of carefully harvested, metal coated feathers rose into the air, even blocking out some of the sunlight. The heroes began to look up as the saw the dark curtain hovering above them The figures of Dabi and Keigo looking down.

"Ready for part one?" Keigo asked.

"Hell yeah. Let's make it rain fire." Dabi replied with a smirk.

The metallic feather were set ablaze with a single arm motion from Dabi. Now, contrary to popular belief, metal can burn at high enough temperatures, and Dabi is proud to say he can reach such temperatures. Now, this wouldn't matter much if one did not know the properties of Magnesium. When Magnesium burns it produces the relatively harmless chemical of Magnesium Oxide, in fact it's used in many pills and other medications. However, when it come in contact to water during this reaction, things become a bit less harmless.

As soon as all the feather had hit the ground it was time for phase two. Geten gained as much space as he could from Cementos to gather his ice, and then sprayed it everywhere while melting it simultaneously.

When burning Magnesium come into contact with water it creates an explosion.

Class 1A and B could see the firework show from their post outside of the grounds. The saw as a giant monster rose from it's slumber and a winged figure brought several others on to the creature before flying off while carrying someone with a long black trench coat.  

"I hear nothing." Jiro said softly as she prayed her earphone jacks would pick up something, anything. "If they're breathing it's too shallow for me to tell."

Then, they suddenly heard cracks coming from behind some trees.

Out staggered a slightly burned and bruised Shoto Todoroki.

"I tried to warn them-" He said as he began to cough up blood. "My- my dad can't work anywhere near magnesium oxide creation facilities in case of explosions. I knew- I-I just... It was too late. I-I'm sorry." 

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