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Ok writing omegaverse for the first time feels like real weird. It just me?

"Well? I'm waiting." the fire user narrowed her eyes at Hawks. He knew from her file she was smart. Real smart. Not from some unnecessarily high IQ or something, no. It was a work ethic that could drive someone to insanity that gave her such talent. Right now she was running every situation and play she coudl think of Hawks making at this moment.

"Well isn't it obvious? You are my mate! We ar-" Hawls began.

"Let me stop you right there bird brain. I belong to nobody, and that includes you. I'm not your mate, or anyone's for that matter. And, I don't plan to be. So just go back to your lavish lifestyle with your big apartments and easy meals and leave me be." Hotaru said firmly. Hawks wasn't expecting this. 

"Look I wasn't planning to make this play, but there's not much else I can do." Hawks replied. In seconds he had released an alpha pheromone thick in the air. It was almost toxic in a way. The purpose was to force any nearby omega to submit to him.   

"Wow. Now that's just cheap." was all he got from Hotaru.

"The fuck?" Hawks mumbled under his breath, thoroughly confused.

"When you live in an abusive household, getting used to aggressive alphas is like rule number one." was all she gave as a response. Now Hawks was really confused. On one hand, Endeavor was his idol, and Hawks couldn't bring himself to believe that. But on the other hand he could use his feather to feel vibrations, including Hotaru's heartbeat and other vitals. She simply wasn't lying. Hawks allowed the confusion to slip on his face, which Hotaru smirked at.

"Come on. Is it that hard to believe after the Commission pushed Touya off the brink. Though Hawks didn't allow any tears to fall, his eyes had glazed over thickly. His old friend... Touya Todoroki. The Commission pushed him to commit suicide. Hotaru's older brother. But then again, no one except Endeavor was allowed to know what really happened. Everyone else was supposed to believe it was a freak accident.

"You aren't supposed to know that. Who told you?" Hawks replied, his eyes turning to slits as he began to hypothesize. 

"You did, just now." Hotaru replied with a smirk. Dammit this kid knew her shit. Hawks; feathers ruffled as he thought, unsure of his next play.

"Takami... Kiego Takami, right?" 

There was no way for Hawks to cover up his surprise. Yes, it was possible through her own detective work Hotaru had figured out about Touya. But the girl wasn't even alive when Hawks has given up his real name. The files were sealed completely and any leak had been 'taken care of.'

"How?" was all the alpha could muster. His scent no longer gave off a dominant, confident lure, but instead faded into submission.

"Let's just say I know a guy." Hotaru replied. "So here's the deal. I know full well you're a spy. Neither me nor Dabi believed you for a second. So how about this: you are going to join the League for real. Work full time, no more hero mascarades. In return your true identity, the circumstances of Touya's death, my father's abusive behavior, and the fact that your practically a manufactured hero will never make it to the public."

"So this was your plan all along? To blackmail me?" Hawks replied, stunned from what he was hearing.

"So you are a spy. Well that was a small gamble I'll admit. Regardless, think about it. This information gets out and the public faith for both of you sinks. The number 3 is best Jeanist, who is out. Mirko is next, and she's strong but lacks the raw power needed for a number 1 hero. Ninja guy is after and no one's gonna trust him. So, you can disappear and leave Endeavor on top, or both of you can come crashing down and the entire system destabilizes."

"What will it be Hawks?"

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