From Ashes

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I'd like to say before this that there aren't any spoilers about who is the UA traitor in this chapter. I've decided to make it who I've chosen because I think it fits with the story.

Yaoyaorozu had everyone split into teams. She went with Kirishima and some others to sedate the large beast that was running wild across the forest. Meanwhile, Todoroki, Sero, and Shoji went to the remains of the compound to see if there were any survivors.

They entered. The place was in shambles already. Dust and ashe still floated in the air as the smell of death hit the young heroes noses. It was a terrifying artwork. Limbs scattered about. Some connecting to bodies buried under piles of rubble. A few red feathers still lied on the battlefield, twitching every once in a while.

"Over here!" 

Todoroki's head whipped around to see Tokoyami and Kaminari atop a rock with another figure laying beside them. The three heroes sprinted towards their comrades.

"How did you even survive?" Sero yelled out as they ran forward, nearly choking on the ashe he inhaled.

"Well Tokoyami was in the sky, so he was able to fly away, but-- but." Kaminari looked wrecked. Physically he had no more than a few burns, but mentally he was a mess.

"And Kaminari and Amajiki were on the ground." Tokouami continued motioning to the bleeding body beside them. "Tamaki Amajiki got in front of Kaminari and swalloed soms of the flying rocks. He used his quirk to make a defense, but got pretty beat up in the process."

Amajiki's body was torn up. Rocks and various pieces of metal were stuck into his body. His breathing was shallow and hoarse from the the ashe and smoke, and burns coated his body.

"Pulse?" was all Todoroki could muster out.

"It's too slow and getting slower. He's alive but he's fading." Tokoyami replied.

"Kaminari do you have your electric tags?" 

"y-yeah why?"

"Alright here's what we'll do. His heart is still beating right now so if we shock him now we'll overload and kill him. What we need to do is wait for his heart to stop. Then, Kaminari can put in a small voltage to kick start him correctly. In the meantime we can removed the rocks and stuff from his body and bandage him with Sero's tape." Todoroki said, trying no to show how nervous he truly was. 

"He'd overload if I shocked him now?" Kaminari said in a scarily calm tone.

"Yes?" Sero said, picking up on the mood shift too.

"Well then..." Kaminari reached over and grabbed one of Hawk's feathers, crumpling it ever so slightly. Then, in a unexpected move lighting shot out from Kaminari towards Amajiki, thoroughly frying the third year.

"Wha- why? How?" Sero stumbled over his words as Kaminari ran his hands over the feather more.

"How did the villains find our camp if it was so secure? Perhaps... perhaps someone told them." Everything about the lightning user was different. His speech was no longer that if a twelve year old, but instead confident and cynical. 

Suddenly, the feather twitched and began to lift Kaminari in the air.

"But- but- Kaminari you're my friend. Bakugou, Kirishima, Jirou- Everyone! What about them!" Sero yelled out.

"I can't say I hated all of it. Maybe some of you heroes aren't so bad. But it doesn't really matter anymore. I was planning to die you know. Die for the cause. But I guess this is fine too. I can go back and help them all. That's all Keigo, let's go." the feather lifted Kaminari away and towards the hospital at top speed.

The feathers around them began to lift as well. 

"Sero, Shoji! Stay and see if you can find something to help Amijiki! Tokoyami and I will take the feathers and go!" Todoroki yelled out as he snatched a feather from the sky. Tokoyami flew beside him as the two were sent across to the other battlefield.

Meanwhile Keigo and Dabi prepared for a full out brawl with Bakugou and Endeavor. As Hawks began to collect this feathers from the complex for the fight he detected vibrations of voices. From turning in he figured out the situation fairly quickly, and whisked Kaminari out of there. However, he did also feel the presence of another grabbing his feather as well. From the unnatural coldness of the palm it was likely Shoto Todoroki. 

"Dabi we got one more incoming." Kiego said to his partner who was rapidly heating up at the idea of fighting his father. "It's Shoto." Dabi just smirked.

"Well I guess it's a family reunion then.

Meanwhile back in the forest Team Yaoyaorozu had just taken down the monster. Knowing they were no equipped to fight the villains seated atop it, the fled back to the complex to find Sero holding a tazer to someone's chest while Shoji kept watch.

"Wh-what happened." the team leader sputtered out.

"Well um let's see. Amajiki might die which is why I'm about to tazer him, Kaminari is a traitor, and Todoroki and Tokoyami went after him." Sero said angrily, rather annoyed and stressed he'd been interrupted at such a crucial moment. 

"Wait what?" Kirishima stopped dead. "Hold up let's go back to the Kaminari traitor thing..." 

"Here Sero I'll take over with Amajiki we just need you to explain." And explain Sero did. How they'd found Kaminari and Tokoyami with a nearly dead Amajiki. How Kaminari had nearly killed the third year, but how somehow the hero held on. How Kaminari Mary Poppinsed out of there. And how Todoroki and Tokoyami went after him.

"This is insane." Kirishima said to himself. He and Kaminari were friends. Close friends. There was just no way.

"Look judging by how things have gone here there's know way it's much better at the hospital. I think Sero and Shoji should take Amajiki back to UA and Recovery Girl. The rest of us should go and see if we can get there and help." Yaoyaorozu said. After everyone organized the group was off. Towards the battle. 

Speaking of the battle, well battle was a strong word. It was more like Dabi, Bakugou, and Endeavor slinging fire artillery at each other from across the battlefield while Keigo watched. He was trying desperately to wake up Hotaru. Scattering his pheromones around in an attempt to at least get her erratic breathing to calm.

"Hey Keigo!" the voice of Kaminari rang out as he let go of Keigo's feather and allowed it to return to his pair of red wings. "You need me to wake her up?"

"Yeah that'd be nice."

"How about you step away from my twin sister instead!"

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