Change the Fate's Design

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...And I didn't like the ending


"Together you and I can rule the galaxy. Make things the way we want them to be."

Padmé searched his eyes, looking for any sign of the man that she married. He stared back, an intensity in his eyes that told her that he believed every word he was saying.

There was a choice to be made. Padmé knew that. She wanted to believe that he would change, she really did. But was there a chance anymore? Was he truely too far gone to ever turn his back on the dark side? The senator's hands drifted to her stomach, and an idea hit her. If she couldn't bring him back, maybe their child could. He wanted her to join him. She could join the dark side and get inside information while she worked on convincing Anakin. Maybe he would listen if Palpatine was out of the picture.

"Okay," she said.
"Okay?" Anakin asked, surprised. She nodded and when a smile spread across his face, and she almost thought her Anakin was back.
"I will become more powerful then any Jedi, and with you by my side we will take control of the galaxy." He stroked her cheek.
Padmé sighed and grabbed his hand, holding it in her own. "I need to get some things for the baby on the ship. I'll be right back."
He watched her waddle towards her ship with a smile, taking out his communicator to inform his master.


Padmé caught a glimpse of brown as she entered the main area of the ship. She growled in frustration, the pregnancy hormones and her husband's actions making her fuse much shorter than usual.
"Obi-Wan!" She hissed. The Jedi master stepped out from behind the wall and crossed his arms, acting like he had every right to be there.
"What are you doing?"
"You know why I'm here Padmé. I need to stop him."
Padmé glared at him as she stepped closer. "No you will not! I have this under control!"
"What about when he turns on you? On your child?"
"There will be no reason for him to if you just leave! If he sees you on my ship, who knows what he'll think?"
"I have to stop him, Padmé. He's left me no choice."
"No, you need to listen to me. We are going to sit down because my back really freaking hurts, and you are going to hear my plan, got it?"

Obi-Wan sat down, startled by her Amidala voice. He was reminded of why this woman was once queen of a whole planet. Once she was satisfied that he was going to hear her out, Padmé sat in the pilots seat and relaxed her body.
She took a deep breath before beginning her plan.
"I am going to go with Anakin. I am going to get through to him, no matter how long it takes. In the meantime, I can relay any information I learn to the republic."
"Are you sure you want to put yourself in that much danger? And your child?"
"There's good in him Obi-Wan. I'm not going to give up until he's back."

The Jedi master sighed, running a hand over his beard in thought. "Alright, I have to admit it's a good plan. Here, take this."
Obi -Wan gently wrapped a band around her wrist, pulling her glove over it to keep it hidden. "It will provide you with direct contact to my com link, there's a button on the underside that you need to press and I will be called right away."
Padmé looked down at her arm before looking back at Obi-Wan, questions in her brown eyes.
He sighed again. "It was made for Satine if you must know. But I'm glad that I held onto it." Obi-Wan took her hand and helped her to her feet. "Please be careful Padmé."
"I will," she promised.


After she gathered a few of her things, Padmé returned to her husband, her adrenaline from earlier gone.
"Are you alright, angel?" He asked, taking the bag of her belongings. Padmé gave him a tired smile in response.
"Yes, just very pregnant."
He smiled at her again, genuinely. The same boyish smile that she fell in love with.
"You'll be able to rest soon. Are you ready for our new life? No jedi, no senate. Just us, like we always wanted."
Her smile faltered slightly and her heart clenched.
"Of course, my love." She said.

Padmé wrapped a protective arm around her stomach as she followed her husband into the great unknown.

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