All Along There Was Some Invisible String Tying You to Me

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Padmé swayed under the weight of the pile of gifts she carried. The twins had been spoiled, even though their presents were found in the base. There was some clothes from Galen's family which Lyra had altered to fit, a handwritten book of stories from Nova (illustrated by Ashoka), a blanket from Mon and Bail sewn out of spare clothes, and some cute little toys made from random materials from Rex. The twins were still running around after most people had left. Nova and Obi Wan were keeping them entertained so Padmé decided to clean up.

Ahsoka steadied her quickly. "Let me help, Padmé," she took half of the pile.
"Thank you Ahsoka," Padmé sighed. "And not just for that, but for the party, and the cake.."
"No problem. It's my job as their cool aunt." She grinned.
Padmé chuckled as they moved down the hall towards Padmé's quarters.

"So I heard Obi Wan spoke to you about training them?" Ahsoka said.
"He did. I'm still thinking about it, honestly. What do you think?" Padmé asked her friend.
"I sense great potential in them Padmé. I believe they could be great Jedi if they're trained in the light."
Padmé hummed in thought. "I'll talk to them about it and see what they think."


When they returned to the party room, they were surprised to find both twins asleep on chairs.
"They partied a little bit too hard, I'd say." Obi Wan's chuckled.
"I should get them to bed. Nova?" Padmé picked up Luke. Nova nodded and picked Leia up.
"Go, we'll clean up here," Ahsoka told her. Obi Wan nodded in agreement.
"Ok. Thank you both, for everything today." Padmé smiled at them before she and Nova went into the hall.


Padmé tucked the twins in, kissing them both on the forehead.
"Happy birthday, my angels." She whispered, taking a moment to watch them before sneaking out of the room.
Nova was sitting at the table when she came out, folding the clothes the twins were given. She looked up when Padmé entered the room.
"Thanks for the help, Nova. Would you like a cup of tea?" Padmé moved over to the small kettle, holding back a yawn.
"Yes please," Nova agreed. Padmé poured two mugs and sat at the table next to her.

"How are you feeling? Anymore morning sickness?" Nova asked hesitantly.
"Thankfully not. I'm loosing my energy a lot faster though," Padmé laughed, sipping her tea.
"It's understandable. You have a lot on your plate. No one will fault you if you take it easy for a while." Nova assured her. Padmé smiled and yawned, not being able to hold it back this time. Nova chuckled.
"Speaking of taking it easy, I think you need some sleep." Nova took the two empty cups and rinsed them out for her.
"You're right. Thanks for your help Nova. Good night."
"Goodnight milady," Nova replied, leaving through the door. Padmé didn't try to correct her, flopping onto her bed as soon as the door was closed.


She didn't know where she was. It was dark, and she couldn't see anything for miles. She looked around, searching for something other than the endless void she was in.

She spotted someone. She wasn't alone. He turned slowly, spotting her. She noticed there was no dark helmet covering his yellow eyes as he spoke to her frantically.

"You need to leave Padmé, he sent pilots to bomb the rebels."
She didn't need to ask who.
"What? How does he know where we are?" Padmé asked.
"It doesn't matter. You and the kids are in danger, you need to leave." He was talking seriously but quietly, as if worried someone would overhear them.
He was closer now, and Padmé found herself looking at his eyes as they flickered, a hint of blue visible beyond the yellow.
He grabbed her by the shoulders desperately, trying to make her understand.
"They're coming!"


Padmé jolted out of her sleep.

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