It's Hard to be at a Party When I Feel Like an Open Wound

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Padmé cringed as she bandaged her upper arm, covering a particularly bad burn left by the emperor. She had selected a dress with long sleeves for the evening, to cover as much skin as she could. She hated going to these events. They were just an excuse for the  her husband to intimidate their soldiers and for the emperor to find out information.

Her aching body protested as she got ready, begging her to go to bed and sleep it off. But she had to go to this event, as her husband claimed that his master had a big announcement to make. She had just finished her makeup when Vader entered through the sliding door.
"Angel, your new handmaiden has arrived."
"Handmaiden?" Padmé questioned, remembering the ones she had as queen.
"Yes, the master thought that you should have one, All queens do, my love." Vader gestured behind him to the woman stepping out of the shadows.

She was younger than expected, no older than twenty. Her hair was cut in a wavy bob, dark brown in colour. She wore simple black robes and black lipstick.

The girl curtsied, her face void of emotion.
"What shall we call you?" Padmé asked.
"My name is Nova. I look forward to serving you, Lady Vader." The girl made no move to stand back up.
"I must be leaving now. I'll see you tonight, my love." As soon as Vader left, Padmé turned her attention back to the girl.

"You can stand up, Nova." She said, her voice more relaxed. The girl stood hesitantly.
"I can show you to your room, do you have your belongings with you?"
"Everything I own is on my person, my lady."
"Oh. Alright, come this way."

"So where are you from, Nova?" Padmé asked as she flittered around the room, tidying up.
"No where special, my lady."
"Oh. Well, do you have any experience as a handmaiden?"
"Only from my training. I vow to serve you to the best of my ability."
Padmé stood up, taken aback slightly.
"Thank you Nova. I need to go check on my children. Please, make yourself at home." Padmé gave the girl a kind smile as she passed by.

Closing the door behind her, Padmé let out a quiet sigh. This was obviously some ploy by Palpatine to keep an eye on her. This poor girl was probably threatened to report on her behaviour, to watch her for suspicious activity. How had she let this get so far?


Padmé had trained herself to ignore all the stares she received as she entered on Vader's arm. She kept her head held high, being careful not to portray any emotion.
When her husband excused himself to talk to some people, Padmé got herself a drink and stood by the back wall warily.

"Lady Vader! Lovely to see you," a young man greeted her. She recognised him as the one who gave her the coded message.
"Good evening. My apologies, I did not hear your name."
"I'm Varian, my lady."
"And what is it you do here, Varian?" She asked politely.
"My job is to be available for Lord Vader whenever he may need me. I have to check in with the current missions and jobs and update him on their progress."
"That sounds like quite an admired job." She mused, swirling the liquid in her glass.
He was about to respond when the emperor called for their attention. Varian bowed before walking off, and Padmé realised that she needed to be by her husband for the speech. She quickly made her way over and took her place beside him.

"My people! I have a very special announcement to make!" Palpatine looked way too happy for her liking.
"You may ask what our plans are after the Death Star is complete. It is my pleasure to announce that their will be a new generation of sith to carry on our work!"

Padmé furrowed her brow, glancing up at her husband. At times like this she wished she could see his face.
"And who are these future sith, you ask? Why, the children of our very own Lord and Lady Vader!" The emperor smirked at her, satisfied with the way her eyes widened. The crowd burst into applause and excited hollering.
"That is all, return to the festivities!" He told the room. The crowd moved around, but a particular queen was frozen to the spot.

Padmé saw red.

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