Never Wield so Much Power You Forget to be Polite

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Padmé was confused when she woke up. She was alone in her quarters and it was quiet for the first time in forever. She sat up, looking at the clock to find that it was 12 in the afternoon. The door slid open and she jumped, but it was only Nova carrying a tray.
"Good morning, my lady. I hope you slept well." She walked over, handing her the tray. It had her usual breakfast and a cup of tea.
"Good afternoon, more like it. Thank you," she laughed, taking the tray.
"Lord Vader said that we should let you sleep, he has the children with him." Nova explained. Padmé smiled, glad that her husband was looking out for her.
"I'd better go find them before they cause too much chaos." She laughed. Nevertheless, she took her time eating her breakfast and treating herself to a long shower before actually heading out. 


Padmé walked through the base, asking a stormtrooper about her husband and children's whereabouts. He pointed her in the direction of Palpatine's throne room. She hesitated, the bad memories of that room playing in her mind. She thanked him and walked off, pushing away the flashbacks.

Padmé arrived at the entrance and was let in by the red guards. But as soon as the door slid shut behind her, she froze. Palpatine sat in his usual chair with Vader at his side. The twins were in front of them, staring intently at a ball on the ground in front of them. She remembered seeing younglings doing the same thing when learning to use the force. She cleared her throat and they all looked up at her.
"Ah, Lady Vader! So nice to see you up and about. How are you feeling?" The emperor laughed.
"Better, thank you. May I borrow my husband for a moment?" She did her best to keep her composure despite the rage building in her chest.
"Of course," he waved Vader towards her and she left the room, sensing that he was following her.

Once they were in a secluded hallway, she turned to him and glared with such fire that her eyes resembled the pools of lava on Mustafar.

"What are you doing?!" She demanded.
"You know that my master wanted to start their training." He explained.
"And I said no! Is this why you wanted to watch them today? So you could do this behind my back?"
"Padmé, you have to understand," Vader reached for her hand but she pulled it away.
"No, you have to understand. My children are not going to become sith," She said coldly. "Now go get them out of there!"
"I can't just pull them out, my master-"
"I don't give a kriff about your master, I'll shoot him myself if he touches them."
Vader's brow furrowed angrily.
"Don't talk like that, you could be arrested for treason." He warned.
"I don't know who you are sometimes. This is not the Anakin I married."
"I told you, that man is dead! We have power here Padmé, we can actually make changes in the galaxy,"
"Yeah, if your 'master' lets you off your leash," she spat. Padmé picked up her skirt and ran off down the hall, fuming.


Luke and Leia were brought back to their room half an hour later, and she immediately pulled them both into a hug.
"What happened? What did he make you do?" She asked gently, having had time to cool down.
"He wanted us to be angry," Luke said in confusion. "So I thought about when Leia stole my cookie."
Under different circumstances, Padmé would have laughed.
"And what about you?" She asked her daughter.
"I just thought about the emperor's stupid face," she crossed her arms, looking smug. Padmé sighed, trying not to encourage her.
"Listen you two, I don't want you to let your anger control you,"
"But daddy said-"
"I know what daddy says, but I need you to trust me, okay?"
"Yes mommy," Luke whispered, and Leia nodded solemnly.
"Good, now go to the bathroom and wash up."

Once their bedroom door was shut, Padmé jumped to her feet and locked the master door of their quarters. She then went into her closet to find some bags, only managing to find two small satchels and a sack. She dumped the sack on the bed, running over to the wooden chest. She found her old translation book and put  it in the bag, filling the rest of the space with food rations and water. She took the other satchel into the twins room, calling them over to her.
"Listen, I need you to to get anything you want to keep and put it in this bag, okay?"
"Why?" Luke asked.
"Just do it, okay? I'll tell you after." She left the bag in Leia's hands. Padmé then retrieved the sack from her bed and went back into her closet. She packed warm clothes for her and the twins, making sure not to take too much so that it wasn't immediately noticeable.

Padmé knelt down at the back of the closet, pulling out a box of shoes. She opened it, pushing away the shoes to find the small stash of credits she had hidden. She was almost finished when the closet door swung open, causing her heart to jump into her throat.

Nova stood in the doorway, her eyes moving over the bags and clothes strewn about. Padmé choked, having no idea how she could talk herself out of this. To her surprise, Nova shut the door behind her and began cleaning up the clothing on the floor. She turned to Padmé and spoke in a hushed voice.

"We need to hurry, we don't have much time."

Q: Do you think Padmé is having a boy or girl?

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